Chapter 13

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AN: Hey guys, I'm sorry for taking a few days off on this story, I wrote a few chapters in my Percy Jackson story, and am a little more invested in that. I'm not saying i won't finish this one, but I won't be writing for this story as often. I also really needed a break from writing, I had a writing thing I had to do. Anyways, I'm kind of going with the flow for this story, so I'm not sure how many or how long the next chapters will be and if they will be detailed or not, sorry in advance. Anyways, please enjoy!


After a moment, Alex heard a voice on the other end. "Blunt."

"Blunt I need Zara Asker's phone number," Alex said coolly.

"Alright. I sent it to you. Good night." With that, Blunt hung up.

"Arsehole," Alex muttered, before plugging in Zara Asker's number.

After a few rings, the call connected. "Hello?"

"Hi Zara, it's Alex Rider. Do you have a minute?"


"Hi Alex, of course," Zara said. "What do you need."

"It's about James," Alex said tonelessly.

"What about James?" Zara said tentatively.

"I need him out," Alex said bluntly.

"But, you can't!" Zara exclaimed. "James is one of our best agents, and he is a black shirt!"

"What does that even mean?" Alex asked. "A black shirt? Is that supposed to be good?"

Zara sighed. "Yeah, on campus we have shirts. A black shirt means you have done exceedingly well on at least one mission."

Alex laughed. "James doing well on a mission? You better be joking. He doesn't follow orders and he is one of the worst spies I know. Even my civilian friend Tom is a better spy than him."

Zara was silent. "Still, you can't get him kicked off of a CHERUB mission. You don't have the authority."

"Are you sure about that?" Alex asked. "I have Alan Blunt and Joe Byrne's phone numbers in my phone. If I just call Blunt right now, I can probably get whoever is in charge of CHERUB kicked out. I think I have enough authority to get an MI5 child agent kicked out of a mission involving SCORPIA, formerly one of the world's most dangerous organizations, who could kill said child agent in more ways than I can count. Trust me, I know. Also, since you say he's so good, what makes him such a good agent?"

Zara was silent again. "What? I can't hear you," Alex said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Get James out of my house by tomorrow morning or I swear I will just call the SAS to finish the mission and get MI6 to investigate CHERUB. Agents my ass. Your CHERUBs are just glorified cameras. Later!"

As Alex hung up, Zara was fuming. She knew she had to listen to him, as he was MI6's top agent. But being ordered around by a child was even worse. She picked up her phone and dialed another number. "Hi honey, tell James I'm picking him up first thing in the morning." With that, she hung up, and threw a book across the room. In London, a teenage MI6 agent went to sleep with a smile on his face, hoping for a night free of nightmares.

LINE BREAK - Tuesday Morning

As the CHERUBs woke up, most of them were feeling fine, except for one. James Adams was furious. He was still upset about Alex Rider kicking him off the mission. He just wanted to grab that blonde boy's head and rip it off. He was James fucking Adams, lady killer and CHERUB extraordinaire. What made Alex Rider so good? Just because he lost his family doesn't mean he's hot shit.

While James was internally ranting while packing up his stuff, he had received a text from Ewart telling him Zara would pick him up, the rest of the CHERUBs decided to just be normal. They would follow Alex's plan of just being lookouts and eavesdropping on conversations, stuff they were built to do, while Alex did the heavy lifting.

While the CHERUBs were waking up, Alex Rider had been awake since 5. Unfortunately, due to his nightmares and past experiences, he normally wakes up quite early and is a very light sleeper: the smallest sounds wake him up in case there is something to deal with.

As the CHERUBs (including James), got downstairs, they found Alex sitting at on the floor in his living room, cross-legged, eyes closed. All the CHERUBs, including James, avoided him, and went straight for breakfast.

"What can I get you all?" All the CHERUBs whipped their heads around to see a smiling Alex. "Does cereal work for you guys?" All the CHERUBs nodded their heads.

As they all ate, Alex looked up at the CHERUBs. "So, just to make sure, you guys will lookout and eavesdrop only if you see something suspicious. I will find the bomb under the gym and contact MI6. Good?" All the CHERUBs nodded with the exception of James, who was just looking away from the table.

As the CHERUBs were finishing up, they heard a honk from the outside, and looked out the window, seeing Zara's familiar car. James picked up his bags and waved to the CHERUBs, giving Lauren and Kerry a hug before heading off to meet Zara.

After James left, Alex looked at the CHERUBs. "Look, I'm sorry I kicked James out of here, but I hope you understand why I did. He wasn't listening to anything, and he didn't make any suggestions. He just acted rashly and jeopardized the mission." The CHERUBs looked at Alex with a look of understanding before heading towards the door.

"Again, I won't be at school, so just let me know what you find through Tom, alright?" Alex asked. The CHERUBs nodded, and waved to him as they headed off to Brookland.

AN: Hey guys. I'm so sorry, but I'm kind of losing interest in this story, so I won't be posting as much. Hopefully I upload at least once every 2 weeks, but I'm not sure. Again, I'm so sorry and I love y'all.

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