quick rant

128 6 24

This isn't really a head canon, but it's still danganronpa related

I just think it's so fucked up how the other characters treat Kokichi. They're all so set on working together, but always ignored Kokichi. Kaede tried to end the killing game, but had no intention of dying herself. But then kokichi sacrificed himself to end it and everyone ignores it. They all talked about "Kaedes sacrifice" and were so sad when she died, but after kokichi did the same exact thing none of them even a fuck. When he died just to end the killing game, and save them all, Kaito literally ruined his plan. And after that, they gave Kaito all the credit after he didn't do shit exept mess up Kokichi's plan to end it. They didn't even acknowledge that Kokichi tried to save them all. Shuichi just called him the living embodiment of a lie, then started talking about how much they loved Kaito again. Himiko even called him annoying, after he's dead, and that's honestly just disgusting to me that she would say something like that about someone who have their life to try and help them.  When the whole reason he died was to save them. And they never even considered why he lies. Most people who lie like that do it for a reason. For example, most use it as a defense mechanism. Kokichi even said "I had to lie to myself" at one point in the game, so I feel like that implies that he has lied to himself before, to make himself feel better about something. I thought shuichi was supposed to be a detective, but he didn't even notice that. They literally bullied him the whole time, then denied it. Kokichi even called them out on it by saying "You all blame and gang up on me, and now you want to pretend to be good people?" And after he said that Himiko seemed guilty, and nervous, then tried denying it.

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