Secret agent??

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Pragya's POV..

Hi! I'm Pragya, I'm 23 years old working or serving as a nurse in one of the hospitals in Mumbai. I'm coming from a low income family. My mother is a house wife while my father is a watch man in the same hospital where I'm working. I don't have any siblings instead I have a friend who is more than my brother. He is purab, doctor in the same hospital. He is an orphan. He is very kind and genuine towards his collegues, not only collegues but also with everyone here.

I came out of my thoughts when my mother yelled from kitchen "Pragya!! Breakfast is ready! Come fast and eat! Otherwise you'll have no time to eat. Time is already past 8"

"Yes maa! Coming! Just 2 mins." I said quickly putting my bindi. After taking a glance at myself in mirror, I headed to kitchen.

My house is not so big. It's just one kitchen, one bedroom and a hall with attached bathroom. It's a rented one. My mom sometimes do some work in surrounding areas like babysitting or cleaning to earn money for helping me and my dad to maintain our monthly expenses like current bill, rent of our house, water bill, groceries, etc., But we both don't like the idea of her, we always scold her whenever she did like that.

I quickly ate my breakfast and went to my workplace with my dad by bus. I greeted the receptionist and mark my attendance by putting my fingerprint in the machine. Then I headed to Purab's cabin. He greeted me with a dazzling smile which I reciprocated.

The day went good till now. I'm in lunch break sitting in hospital canteen and eating what my mother prepared for lunch.

"Hey sweetie! I told you to wait na!" Purab came with a pout. "Oops! I forgot dear!" I said. "What's special today?" He asked eyeing my lunch box. "Nothing special. Asusual chappati with dhal!" I said. "Wow! My favo!" He took some piece from my lunch box.

"Pragya! I want to talk with you!" He said in serious tone after finished our lunch. And he mentioned my name instead of sweetie which is his habit whenever being serious.

"Yes Purab! I'm all ears for you!" I said with a smile which he smiled and nodded. "You know that patient in room no.273." I nodded "So, the thing is you should keep her identity and her reports as confidential as you could." I saw him confused. "I know you are confused, and I can't tell you the whole situation but she is in some kind of danger. Many people were desperate to attack her. That's why they didn't admit her in top most hospitals which will give suspicions to their rivals. I hope you understand. I can't trust anyone other than you in this place." He said seriously. I nodded "Ok purab. Don't worry! I will do my best." I said which he nodded.

Then we headed to our places. Around past 4 in evening, I saw one man is arguing with receptionist.

"I'm asking you for the nth time. Why are you not allowing me?" He said annoyed "Sir. I'm telling you for the nth time. I can't allow you unless you give your identity." She replied with the same annoyed tone.

"What's the problem?" I asked and the man snapped at me. He is dead handsome with his jet black eyes which is staring into my eyes and jet black hair which is combed perfectly. He flipped making me came out of my thoughts. "Yes! Tell me. What you want Mr."

"Abhishek. I'm Abhishek" He said coolly. "Yes Mr.Abhishek. what can I do for you?" I asked. "I want to meet the patient who is in room no.273" He said. I remembered purab saying.

"May I know who are you to her?" I asked politely. "That's none of your concern." He said coolly which irked me. "Then not allowing you to meet the patient is also none of my concern Mr.Abhishek." I said with the same cool attitude which he gave me before.

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