Fantasies of being mates with Firestar and being lonely!

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Hello again! My name is Spottedleaf, and I return with a question from pinkipierocks!

pinkipierocks: What would you do with Firestar if you weren't a medicine cat and were mates?

*blushes* W-what do you mean b-by that??? Probably have kits and love him for eternity, like you Twolegs vow to do at what you call a 'wedding.' Satisfied? *blushes more*

Then KittenzWarriorLuvr has a question for me!

KittenzWarriorLuvr: Are you lonely in wherever you are now?

Yes, I am. I can't see anyone else, but I now there are at least a thousand cats who are in the same place as I am. I just can't find anybody...

Now there's another question from the lovely pepper0129!

pepper0129: If you had three kits and Firestar was their father, what would you name them? (P.S. They're two she-cats and a tom)

If you gave me their appearences, I would happily give names.

Next, I finally have a question from SnowlightXx!

SnowlightXx: Do you see any other cats in the void? Like Dark Forest cats who died for the second time?

Like I said earlier, I KNOW there are others, but I'm completely alone. Although, honestly, I'm eager to not see those Dark Forest cats!

Any more questions?

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