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She stared at herself in the mirror.

Prepping herself for what was about to be done.

Part of her wished someone came and sang to her.

Placed her head in their lap.

Telling her that she deserved a place on the world.

That she was special.

But no one came.

Because no one cared.

Then it happened.

The world she knew faded to black.

And she was happy.

Her mother walked in on the sorry sight and burst into tears.

She was crying her eyes out.

It's kind of funny.

Funny and strange.

That people don't care.

They don't care until you're gone.

She didn't care about the bruises she brought upon her daughter.

The never-fading scars that aren't visible to the human eye.

They don't notice their effects.

The trauma they caused.

How they tormented their victims.

They don't recognize pain.

They only recognize their own emotions.

They don't care about anyone else.

So when their victim is gone,

Do they really care?

Or is it just an act.

Because they won't be able to hurt them any longer.

Do they really understand?

Do they really realize that they were the cause?

Do they really care?

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