Chocolate Chip Cookies

185 12 17

Someone please inform me of Katherine and Amy's conjoined name

"Don't forget to wash your hands!" Katherine reminded her younger sister.

Amy rolled her eyes as she tied the apron behind her back. "I will, Kath. That's the hundreth time you've told me."

"Okay, okay, sorry," Katherine apologized, grabbing the cookie ingredients from the pantry.

"Besides," Amy continued. "I'm not a kid anymore. We're not kids anymore. I don't need to be told more than negative once."

Katherine nodded, not meeting Amy's eyes. She was right. They weren't kids anymore. They were thirteen and sixteen. 

"So," Katherine said, clapping her hands together, attempting to lighten the mood, "let's bake!"

Katherine and Amy were full of smiles as they mixed, formed, and baked. Kath made tons of silly faces while Amy tried her best to refrain from bursting into laughter, keeping as "teenager-y" as possible.

As Amy pulled out the pan, she burnt her finger.

"Ah!" she shrieked, sucking on her poor finger.

"Amy Elizabeth!" Katherine scolded, but Amy knew she wasn't mad. Her eyes were soft and sympathetic, and after Kath pulled out the warm cookies, she ran icy water over her sister's finger and bandaged the burn.

"Thanks, Kath." Amy smiled, giving her sister a small hug.

Katherine accepted the embrace gratefully.

"Oh!" Amy exclaimed, biting into one of the cookies. "They're delicious." She licked the chocolate off her fingers.

Katherine sighed as she consumed one of her delicacies. "Y'know, Ames," Kath began.


"I don't think they would have tasted this good if you didn't help."

Amy grinned, shaking her head. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but..." Amy tilted her head to one side.

"But what?" Kath questioned.

"What can I say? I'm magic," Amy said, waving her hands in front of her face.

Katherine smiled, and they both started to laugh.

Maybe they didn't have to grow up.

Maybe the number they called their age would keep increasing, but that doesn't mean that they had to start being all "mature" or something.

After all, age is just a number.


I have no idea what that was and I know it's very short but I have a few queries.

1. Do you prefer the "happier" oneshots over the more sad ones, or vice versa?

2. Lol, this doesn't really affect anything, but how old do you think I am?

Thanks for reading!

<3 september :)

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