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     I was pushed into the cellar, the trapdoor being locked behind me and plunging the small, damp room into total darkness. I had come home a few minutes late and missed the time that Father wanted his tea. I was beaten black and blue, and was locked down here, probably for the rest of the night. Mary tried to stop them but all she was able to do was get herself into trouble as well. Not that they would do much to her. She was the favorite child, while I was the problematic one. I hated it here. I had wanted to run away several times but where would I go? And what about Mary? After the incident with my team, no one wanted anything to do with me, so I was all I had was Mary. And if I didn't start bringing home money soon, I would be kicked out of the house. And if I actually am able to get a job, then I should get prepared for a lot of long nights down here. Just then, I heard squeaking. The rats were back. They only seemed to come when I was the one locked in, for my sisters had always said that they never heard them. But I knew they were there. It was decided. I was leaving as soon as possible.
One week later
Mary refuses to go with me. She said that she was needed there, and that I would be better without her. It was true, in some ways, but I still didn't want to leave her. I gave her one last hug, before starting the walk to the train station. Father was at the pub, and Mother went to try to beg to get a new dress. I was all on my own, but I had an idea on where I was going. I found an add in the paper about a ghost company in need of someone like me. It was decent pay, and I had no other options. Let's just hope that the spot wasn't filled by the time I get there.
AN: Just letting you guys know that the updates will be kinda slow with short chapters. I'm sorry!

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