Prologue - Nothing Gets Past Those Keen Werewolf Senses

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There had been many times when Scott had been perched outside Allison’s bedroom window at night. Maybe he didn’t even know she was aware of his presence, but she was. She was just smart enough to be a little paranoid about having a supernatural creature exhibiting such behavior towards her. And she was just in love with him enough that she found it another one of his many endearing attributes.

Tonight, though, the tables had turned. Tonight, Allison was perched outside Scott’s bedroom window. If one had asked her just yesterday if she could have managed the climb, she would have said “No.” Not “Never in a million years,” but a simple, flat, honest “No.”

But that would have been yesterday. And tonight, everything had changed.

As Allison knocked on the glass with her forehead, she reminded herself irresistibly of the night she and Scott first met. Not the day she’d set foot in Beacon Hills High for the first time, but the night she’d hit a dog with her car and brought her to the vet’s office. Allison had panicked so much that night, but Scott had been there to fix the dog up just fine, and he’d even lent her his spare shirt because hers was wet from having been rained on.

Meanwhile in the real world, Scott heard Allison’s knock and bolted out of bed, getting ready to fight whatever intruder was trying to get into his room - until he saw her. She saw him breathe a sigh of relief, then he grabbed a shirt off the floor (as if she hadn’t seen him without one many times before) and put it on before opening the window.

“Hey,” he said, leaning out to kiss her forehead. “What’s up?” Before Allison could answer his question, however, Scott stiffened, sniffing the air. Even if he were still an ordinary human, he probably would have had no trouble picking up on the metallic tang of blood.

Allison’s blood.

“Holy…” Scott couldn’t even finish whatever curse he had in mind. “What happened? What bit you?”

Allison’s hand flew to the wound in her arm. “It was a werewolf.”

“What? A werewolf? Are you sure?”

“I saw its eyes. They were red.”

Allison looked into Scott’s own eyes. Her Aunt Kate, as disturbed and psychotic and skeevy as she was, had been more than right about one thing - Scott really did have the most adorable big brown eyes. Not for long, though. She could clearly see the gold flash in there now.

He took a few deep breaths to steady himself, then he climbed out the window. “I’ll take you to Deaton’s office,” he said. “Get you patched up.”

“ is that gonna help me?” Allison asked. “Did you miss the part where I said I was bitten by an Alpha?”

“Of course not,” Scott said. “But you need something to keep that covered, unless you wanna get infected. Live today, fight tomorrow, you get it?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I get it, but-”

“And don’t worry,” Scott said, holding Allison’s free hand. “Your dad isn’t gonna find out about this.”

He made to jump off the roof, but Allison held him back. “Aren’t you gonna want to put on some pants first?”

Scott looked down and realized that he still had only boxers on below the waist. “Crap, you’re right,” he groaned. “And I don’t even have my keys either. What the hell was I thinking, huh?” He laughed weakly, but Allison didn’t join in. After getting his pants and keys, Scott rejoined Allison on the roof, helping her climb back down to the ground. “Don’t worry,” he said, stroking her hair for a moment before they set off for Deaton’s office. “Everything’s gonna be all right.”

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