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Tatum sped down every street and ran almost every stop sign, but the two of you made it to Sidney's house in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, shit! Sidney!" Tatum hollered after spotting Sid wrapped up in a blanket as she sat in the ambulance. You both ran over, ignoring the police and EMTs as you pushed through to her.

"God, Sid, we're so sorry for being late. Are you alright?" You asked, grabbing her hand.

"You girls can't be here. This is an official crime scene." Dewey said while pulling his sister back by the arm, but she simply shrugged him off.

"It's okay." Sidney looked exhausted as she squeezed your hand.

"Her dad's out of town, alright? She and Y/n are staying with us tonight." Tatum explained to Dewey.

"Does mom know?" He muttered in her ear, though everyone still heard.

"Yes, doofus." Tatum rolled her eyes and took Sidney's other hand as you both helped her out of the ambulance.

"Are your parents okay with this?" Dewey looked at you, double-checking as he knew how sneaky Tatum could be.

"Yes, of course." You nodded. "I called to ask after school."

"Before getting settled, Sidney will need to come down to the station to make a statement regarding Billy Loomis as the murderer." Deputy Burke said as he stood opposite of Dewey.

You and Tatum were forced to let Sidney go with the sheriff, however you were still going to be there for her once she was free to leave.

While walking down the gravelly street to Tatum's car, a woman in a neon yellow blazer and matching skirt frantically tried to stop you. "Excuse me, is that Sidney Prescott they took away?" She pointed to the sheriff's car ahead.

"We're not talking to you." Tatum rudely said, pulling you away from the woman who you recognized as Gale Weathers.

"What happened to her?" Gale questioned desperately as she continued to follow you both.

"None of you damned business!" Tate exclaimed, slamming her door shut as she got into the car.

"I heard something about a costume. Is that true? Can you tell me anything?" Gale bombarded you with questions as you were a little slower than your friend.

"Leave Sid alone." You demanded before getting in the passenger side. Sidney despised Gale, so you sure as hell weren't about to give the woman any intel.

"I can tell you one thing," Tatum said, and you looked at her in surprise, though when she quirked a mischievous brow at you, you had to force back a smile.

"Please, anything," Gale said.

"You're a real pain in the ass!" The blonde declared before speeding off.

The minute you arrived at the police station, shouting could be heard as you walked down the hall. You determined that the voice belonged to Billy once you were close enough.

"Sidney! Come on. You know me! Sidney, look at me!"

Upon entering the station's lobby, you saw Billy getting dragged away by two officers. It hurt to see him restrained like that, yet when his gaze met yours, you were struck frozen.

He seemed surprised to see you, becoming more desperate as he tried to reach you.

"Y/n, please. I didn't do it." He pleaded with you to believe him. You couldn't even muster up a response as you stared at him in silence. You didn't know what to believe.

"I didn't do it!" He shouted as they dragged him away.

You didn't want to believe that Billy was the killer. He's your friend, you've known him your whole life. Trusting him should come easily, but why would Sidney lie about something like that?

Tear You Apart || Billy Loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now