𝟷𝟸| 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

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Friday, September 27, 1996
7:30 am

"Sidney Prescott, similarly to Y/n Orth, escaped a vicious attack last night. She is the daughter of Maureen Prescott, who was brutally killed last year when the convicted murderer, Cotton Weary, broke into their home—" You heard the male news reporter on the TV say as you entered the kitchen.

"It's never gonna stop, is it?" Sidney asked as Dewey shut off the television.

Tatum began to pour herself some cereal as the three of you sat at the table.

"The station called, Billy was released. His cellular bill was found clean." Dewey disclosed, seating himself across from Sidney.

The sudden news sparked guilt in Sidney's consciousness, imbuing an unshakable queasiness that left her looking quite ill.

"So, he wasn't the one who made those calls?" You asked for reassurance, and Dewey nodded. The weight on your chest had been lifted as relief washed over you. However, that meant the killer was still out there.

"That's a good thing, right? Sid, your boyfriend isn't the killer." Tatum said, nudging the brunette's shoulder. Sidney did not seem comforted by this.

You, too, were beginning to feel sick as you thought about how you chose against believing Billy when he said he didn't do it. He was not going to be happy with either one of you.

"Yes, the real murderer is still running around out there which means I'll be driving you girls to school today," Dewey said with a smile.

Nearly twenty minutes after leaving the Riley Residence, Dewey's patrol car eased to a stop as he parked near the curb of Woodsboro High.

Dewey stepped out, scanning the area as it was just as crowded with students, police, and reporters as yesterday. The three of you climbed out after him, and Dewey noticed the apprehensive look on Sidney's face. "Don't worry, Sid. It's school. You'll be safe here." He assured.

Sidney smiled weakly as his words did very little to comfort her.

The three of you huddled close together as you headed toward the school, and Dewey did his best to block off the reporters who began bombarding your little group with questions regarding the killer.

You walked up to the second floor after making it inside, stopping by Tatum's locker as she needed to grab her books.

Sidney looked freakishly pale as she nervously glanced around the hall. She was already starting to regret coming to school today. You didn't blame her.

"This is a mistake. I shouldn't be here." Sid voiced, leaning back against her locker.

You placed a supportive hand on her shoulder, "You don't have to deal with this alone."

"Deal with what alone?" A voice asked and you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. You craned your neck to look up at Stu who stared down at you with a big grin.

"This," You said, motioning to all the chaos in the hallway. With the uproar in attacks, the students were acting like crazy circus animals.

"I want you two to meet me here right after class, okay?" Tatum glanced between you and Sidney before stuffing a bright red lollipop into her mouth.

"Alright," Sid sighed, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Did you hear the murderer is at school?" Stu questioned, giggling like a child as he looked at Sidney.

"Murderer?" You asked, shrugging Stu's arm off your shoulder as you turned to face him. "You're referring to Billy?"

"Mhmm." He nodded, moving to stand behind his girlfriend.

"Billy came to school? Is he really pissed?" Sidney asked Stu, she'd been worried about facing him after what happened.

"Oh, you mean after you branded him the candyman?" Stu asked while staring into Tatum's hand mirror before placing it back in her locker. "No, his heart's broken— Ow!"

"Stu!" Tatum exclaimed, smacking him in the chest.

A sudden shrieking could be heard from down the hall, gradually growing louder the closer it got. You felt a hand grab your arm, swiftly pulling you out of the way as a student dressed in long black robes and a ghost mask ran straight at you and Sidney.

Stu's grip on your arm was tight as the masked student flung his arms in the air, scaring Sidney who jumped back against the lockers.

"Yo, you alright?" Stu asked, stifling a laugh after noticing your horrified expression. For a moment, it was like you were reliving the night at Casey's house.

Your heart pounded loudly in your ear, and Stu pulled you into his side, rubbing his hand up and down your arm comfortingly.

"Why are they doing this?" Sidney huffed, brushing herself off.

"Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it's like Christmas!" Stu declared, amused by the mayhem.

Tatum slammed her locker shut and turned around to smack Stu with her lollipop. "Stupidity leak!"

"Ow. Easy." He flinched.

As the bell rang for class, Sidney took that as an opportunity to escape as she suddenly rushed the opposite way. You wanted to go after her, but you knew she'd probably need some time alone to think.

"Don't forget. You're meeting me here later." Tatum pointed her sucker at you playfully. You chuckled, nodding at the blonde before she split off to class, leaving you with Stu.

Stu's gaze panned down to you, his eyes held a mischievous glint. With that simple look, you didn't want to know what was on his mind.

"Do you really think Billy is the killer?" You asked him as the two of you began walking to class together.

"Nah, I think it was just another case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Billy wouldn't kill anyone." Stu answered honestly, lips curling into a cheeky grin. "Why? You think he is the killer?"

He peered at you intently, his bright blue eyes flickering down to your lips, then instantly back to your eyes. It'd be a lie if you said you didn't notice.

"No, I just... I'm conflicted, is all. I just wish I knew the killer's motive." You anxiously chewed on your bottom lip, glancing up at him as he appeared to be in deep thought.

"Hey, at least you're gonna come out of this famous." Stu smiled wide, pushing back whatever thoughts were troubling him.

He winced as you smacked his shoulder and narrowed your eyes at him. "That's not funny." You said before leaving him in your dust as you sped to class, laughing as you heard him shout from down the hallway.

"I wasn't trying to be!"

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