Chapter 6: Crash

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A/n: If you know the chess notations, you will know also where they place the chess pieces

Ciel's Point of View

It's one o'clock in the afternoon, we need to enter to the mansion. Until now, Sebastian is not here. He's too
slow. I'm bored here with Lizzy.

Someone appears on my back."Who says that I'm slow, young master?" he whispered to me.

"Oh, I thought that you're not here" I eat the chocolate.

"I finished all tasks, young master" he smirks.

"Shall we go now, it's almost sunset, we need to sleep on that mansion for a while. The carriage is not enough for us to sleep there because it has little space. Let's go now. Lizzy, were going to the mansion now. Leave that mess to Sebastian" I stand up and take Lizzy's hand to help her to stand up.

We're walking now to the entrance of mansion. As I expected to him, he cleaned this place. Lizzy amazed what she saw. The fountain here is working now than last time that have damages. The grass were trimmed. I can see the whole place now. This place looks like new.

Sebastian carries the basket and blanket that we use on picnic last morning.

He opens the door. I can't see because it's too dark here. He puts fire on the lamp. It has little light but I can see the place. It's full of dust and spider webs. The things here were covered of white cloth. The bookshelves here were not covered but there's no dust. Someone comes to this place before us.

"Sebastian, find a room that can we use for tonight and clean that place" I ordered to him. He goes to the second floor.

"Ciel I want to go to different rooms here. Do you want to go with me" she said with her sweet voice.

I nods to her. "Yes, you need my protection also"

"Our adventure in the mysterious mansion begins" she shouted.

We goes to the room with a billiard pool. I see, this is a gameroom. The windows here were covered with dust. The hearth still have smoke but there's no fire. I looked at my back and I saw Lizzy carrying a chessboard.

"Let's play for a while, Ciel. I know that this is your favorite game" she points her finger on the table near the hearth. I nods to her. We arrange the chess pieces and we start the game. She wants to choice betwwen black or white. I chose black. She smiled and we start the game.

  Lizzy (White)               Ciel (Black)

F4                                       E6
G4                                      Qh4++        

She amazed what she saw."Wow Ciel, I can't believe it. You won in only two moves? You're amazing Ciel. How did you do that?"

"It's easy to read your moves. There's a full of holes and there's no supports so I use the queen to finish it quickly"I answered.

"Next time, teach me more about the strategies" she said.

The grandfather clock sounds even we don't start it. There's no other people here besides me and Lizzy. We're here playing chess.

We heard a crash  coming from outside the room. I went out of the gameroom but there was no one outside. I heard Lizzy shout from inside. Every sound of the grandfather clock we hear footsteps coming from somewhere.

"What's that sound Ciel? We're disturbed here by the crashes. There was a cat or someone there?" she have a lot of questions to me.

"I can't explain that to you. I didn't know also but we need to investigate this place"

"But I want to go home" she added.

"It's too dark outside now. The horses are tired also. All we can do is stay here. Sebastian will protect us. We'll wait for him until he finished his chores" I take her hands.

We're going to the next room that were the crash came from. It's on first floor. The hallway here on the second floor is quite dangerous because the floor is already fragile and it is still made of wood. No one is renovating this mansion. It has only been neglected since the mansion owner died. We got to the first floor safely.

Nothing has changed in appearance here. No one feels like someone here. There's no broken furnitures also here in my way. We continued walking until we reach to that room.

We open the door and we saw Sebastian cooking for dinner. I can smell the soup from here. He baked biscuits on the oven.

"Sebastian, did you here the crash of a jar today?" she asked him.

"I think no, lady. I'm busy preparing your dinner, did something happened?" he takes the baked biscuit on the oven.

"That's impossible, that noise cames from here" she defended.

"I see, the dinner is ready. I'm going to dinning room. Please follow me" he transfer the food to the trolley and he starts to push it.

While walking, Lizzy tells a story about Hamlet. I'm just nods to her as she says do you listening to me?

I saw a man on the window. I can't see the whole body. I can see only it's shadow. Lizzy also looks to that window. She surprised and she starts to mumbling. She point her finger to the window. The man disappeared.

"Master there's something smells bad here. Do you want to dispatch it?"

"We will discuss it later, you can continue to push that" I said.

We're here now in the dinning room. It's full of pots with dead plants on it. One of the windows here have crack. I think someone enters this place using this window.

"This is the answer, Ciel. We need to know who's the forth person here" she said.

She's right but I have something in my mind that still didn't solve. Where's the corpse that her majesty

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