Goodbye Is The Saddest Word Part l

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Prince Cleo's POV

The jet's engines roared profusely on the empty runway and I shielded my eyes from the uproar of dust that threatened to cast itself into my eyes. It was time for me to leave. Mother, the royal family and everyone from Hampstead had waited long enough.  My forest orbs scanned the desolated airport, and I soon found myself in cognition, thinking about the past 2 weeks and my eventful time in Ghana. 

"Syd'nee..." I whispered feeling a tinge of heartache. Maybe it wasn't meant to be between us. Maybe... Maybe she'd been playing me all this time! I suddenly felt my fingernails sink into the core of my palms, turning an unearthly blanched color, all the blood quickly losing it's circulation. Perhaps she'd been scheming to use her looks as an advantage so I could fall in love with her! That... that demon!

"Sir?" I turned to connect orbs with Oüblèe, who inclined his head to study me, standing by the opened door of the beat up SUV. I nodded in acknowledgement, clambering from the car with an evident frown. I soundlessly made my way toward the resoundingly loud royal jet, decorated in red, white and blue- britain's official colors. "It's time to board the jet, sir." I heard Oüblèe's thick Ghanaian accent in my ears, but made no effort to respond. What if Syd'nee really had played with my heart? I hadn't given her anything, any type of money or diamond, but I'd assumed my love was enough. Apparently not. I gave Oüblèe a curt nod, followed by a brusque handshake followed with a pat to the back.

"Thank you for accommodating to my needs here in Ghana, Oüblèe. You've been tremendous help. I'll see to it with King A'yo that you get yourself a raise." Lie. I had no intention of speaking to that royal prick again. Not after what he'd done to Sasha and possibly... Syd'nee. No! She's of no interest to you anymore. She's been using you! Playing with you! I hastily shook my head, trying not to expose the outrage I held towards Syd'nee.

"Of course, Sir. Thank you, sir." Oüblèe's dark orbs widened marginally as I discussed to him about the chances of his pay rate increasing. I pursed my lips, before heading to the royal jet, the cumbersome winds collected by the spiraling engines sending the ends of my tailored Banana Republic blazer backwards.

"Prince Cleo of Hampstead?" A petite, 5'1 dark-skinned women dressed in a flight attendant's uniform smiled warily up at me whilst tucking a stray piece of copper hair behind her ear, attempting to stuff it back into the tightly wrapped bun placed at the back of her head. I heightened a brow, not remembering this to be the same flight attendant I'd had when coming to Ghana. She was cute, I'd give her that, but there was something about her that just reminded me too much of... her. When I didn't respond, her smile faltered slightly, but she continued speaking nonetheless.

"I'm Rochelle, and I'll be your flight attendant on behalf of the captain and the co-pilot welcome aboard the British Royal Air. May I direct you to your seat?" Rochelle attempted another smile, this time much more genuine. I nodded, holding out my large hand for to shake. "Nice meeting you, Rochelle." My voice had been more huskier than I'd intended. She smiled, dipping her head softly before separating the dark blue curtains and heading into the cabin. I followed.

Syd'nee's POV

I wouldn't make it. I just knew it. The soles of my bare feet began to blister and ache, but I didn't care. I kept running. Warm tears began to blur my vision for the fifth time already, causing my target to blur and my legs to quiver. I suddenly fell onto the ground, pulchid brown dirt dancing around me as I collapsed. I'd been sprinting for hours, three to be exact and was nowhere close to the Airport. Once Sasha and I had escaped the dungeon and returned back to the palace, A'yo had slapped me harshly sending me flying into the wall where he then proceeded to twist my already fractured fingers, sending them into a distressing position that I hadn't imagined fingers could be twisted into. I cringed at the memory, the dull aching in my fingers still a remembrance of what'd taken place less than eight hours before;finding out that he'd left for his six hour flight had added even more pain to my current situation.

Had he even searched for me? How could he just get up and leave like that? I thought he cared about me... Apparently not.I suddenly turned my head to look back at the direction I'd ran in and swallowed thickly, before gazing back ahead of me suddenly contemplating. Should I turn back around? What was the point of going after someone who didn't give two shits about you? I felt a tinge of heartache upon gazing up ahead, my chest panting slightly as my good hand absentmindedly caressed at the blistered soles of my feet, giving them the same amount of attention.

'Plop!' I blinked. What the hell? I suddenly went cross-eyed, gazing down to the tip of my nose to spot a large drop of water. Rain? I quickly gazed up at the clear, blue sky confusion clearly taking over my features. I felt another drop, but this time closer up, toward the top of my head. I felt the droplet gradually slide down my lineaments, between my chestnut orbs, down the bridge of my nose, fall down onto my exposed chest and disappear inside my tattered and contaminated maids uniform, betwixt the valley of my breasts. I sighed.

"Oh, praise the Lord up above! You're not dehydrated are you?" I squeaked, rapidly turning around to meet old, tender eyes from up above.  How did I not notice the lurking shadow behind me? I'd probably been too lost in thought to notice.  I gave a cautious smile to the stout elderly women who hovered me. She still held the bottle of ice water above me as her hazel orbs scanned my face with immediate worry. I winced whilst attempting to stand, which quickly brought her out of her speculation. Her Ghanaian accent was thicker than mine if possible, and she rapidly brought a chubby arm to wrap around my slim waist, helping me up.

"Eh, chale, are you okay?" (Chale is an expression meaning "friend" or "mate") She led me toward the glossy black Audi that was parked on the side of the road and I elevated a brow whilst nodding.

"Thank you, but I'm fine..." I started and she shook her head, kissing her teeth loudly whilst helping me into the passengers side. She handed me the icy bottle of water that she'd initially had in the beginning and I took without protest as she slammed the door behind her, maneuvering herself around the car to the drivers side. I suddenly felt like a child who'd attempted to run away for her very first time and been caught by her mother, awaiting further consequences. She got into the Audi, and slowly turned to me, the crinkles around her mouth showing more prominently as she frowned, scrutinizing me once again. I followed her gaze and glanced down to my attire, the black and white checkered maids uniform now tattered and had pieces of cloth hanging in the most of inappropriate places. My shoes had sunk and disappeared into a puddle of mud a while back, leaving me with no source of protection for the soles of my feet, hence the blisters. I was ashamed, to say the least.

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