Chapter Five ( Weird Dreams )

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"Joey, please. I know I'm late but I've come to love you." I pleaded but it was of no use.

"No use, Marie. We're done for good."


I woke up, disturbed by the dream. I never had a dream like this. The mysterious guy who always comes into my dreams is Joey. That guy finally got his name. But, I still couldn't understand why the dream turned out to be like this. Why doesn't he want me? Why doesn't he love me anymore? Till now he was the one who always loved me while I always pushed him away. But now, the roles have reversed and I don't like this at all. I looked at the time. It was seven o'clock in the evening. Eric and Melissa might have come back by now. I walked downstairs taking my journal with me. In the living room, Eric, Melissa and Brian were sleeping on the couch. When did Brian come here to sleep? It's already seven, so we better go to our hotel room. I decided to wake Melissa at once without really disturbing Eric and Brian. Well, we will have to wake them up to tell them, we can't just leave but don't know why I didn't wanted to wake them up. 

I slightly patted Melissa and thankfully she woke up quickly. "Marie." She said drowsily, "I didn't even know when I fell asleep." She looked at the television and got confused, it was turned off, maybe they were all watching television and she slept while watching it. "Even Eric and Brian slept?" I nodded and she got up from the couch. "Oh my, it's 7.15, we should probably go to our hotel room now. I'll wake these two up." She began waking them up by taking their names and by patting them while I just stood there without any slightest intention of helping her to wake them because I'm too disturbed by the dream to do anything. After Melissa successfully woke them up, they both insisted on dropping us to our place. After reaching our destination, Melissa tried to talk to me but I said I was too tired to talk with her and she just nodded. I don't want that dream to come true. I slept on the right side of the bed and turned my back to Melissa. I didn't want to talk to her. Not in a great mood and I don't even want to eat although I'm hungry. I'm guessing Melissa ate a lot of junk food when she was out so she's basically not hungry.

I opened my phone to check hoping a message from Joey and there was one from him. I felt happy and I don't know why. Why a simple reply is making me so happy? I don't remember much anything. I don't even know what we did. I opened his message immediately and saw his message,

Even I can't wait to meet you, Marie. Come soon.

I immediately smiled at the message and sent a smiley emoji to him in response. I really want this day to end soon and meet Joey. But why am I getting deja vu after reading his message? It definitely happened before but I couldn't remember it properly. Something feels off. As I was feeling really sleepy again, I dozed off to sleep deciding that I'll deal with that thought later.


"Just one week, I promise you'll be free." He said and I considered it.

"Promise?" I don't trust him after all but in a split second he said, "Promise."


New day, new chapter of my life. I feel fresh and Melissa was still sleeping. I started thinking about the dream I just had. What does he mean by I'll be free? What is he promising me? Why am I getting weird dreams all of a sudden. Before I came to Texas, I had dreams where he always tells me that he loves me and I just push him away. But nowadays, they're different and weird. I never had a dream like this, him promising me. I woke Melissa up because I don't want to waste any time. We're only here for a week and today's the second day. She started squirming and hid her face in her blankets.



"You awake?"

"What do you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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