Chapter 23

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(Back to Isabelle)

(8 Hours Later)

We finally get to Canada after a long time but it was shorter because we were on a private jet. We get to his parents house and before we enter I stop him at the door. "Remember, we can't tell you parents." I say. "Ya, I know." he says. "Ok, let's go!" I say stepping inside. "Isabelle!" his dad says immediately coming over to me and hugging me. "Hey Mr. L!" I say hugging him back.

"Hi dad!" Alexander says standing with his hands in his pockets. "Oh, hi son!" he says and gives him a "Guy hug" "So, you guys are staying here for a while?" his dad asks. "Ya." Alexander responds. "So, where's mom?" he asks. "Out in a trip, I think she went with your parents Isabelle, but she is going to be back sooner." he says. "Oh, cool!" I say. "Well you two can go pick your rooms and help yourselves to anything." he says. "K, thanks dad." Alexander says grabbing both of our bags and guiding me up the stairs. "I get the biggest one!" I say. "But that's my old room." he says pouting. "Exactly!" I say and jump on the bed. He lays down next to me, propped up in his elbow. "Happy birthday sweetie, I'm sorry it was so wild." he says. "It's ok, at least I got to spend the day with you." I say smiling. He crawls on top of me and kisses me. "Best birthday present ever." I say with a smile. "I need to give you your present tomorrow." he says reminding him self. He gives me another kiss but then we hear a voice. "Alexbelle!" we whip out heads around to see Sophia standing at the door. "Shhhh! No one can know, not even mom and dad." Alexander says. "Sorry, I'm just so happy you guys are together!" she says jumping on the bed besides us. "Hopefully I'm looking at my future sister-in-law!" she says hugging me. "I hope so too." I whisper to her and she giggles.

Just admit it, you love me. (Alexbelle Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now