I. A Bad Day For The Bad Guy (Yangcha × Tanya)

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One rainy afternoon in Arthdal, when all of it's subjects (the people of Arth) are warmly tucked in each of their homes; when the usually jam-packed market have almost no one going around its narrow streets; when the shrine guards and some of the Daekans on-duty are soaking wet on their stations; one warrior— with a long, dark hair, and a peculiar leather mask covering half of his face— have come running across the stone-pillared alleyway in long strides, trying to get to the Great Shrine as fast as he could. His one hand tightly gripping the case of his sword and the other covering the top of his head, as if he wasn't drenched enough.

Yangcha was on the process of getting his lunch when Gitoha told him the High Priestess needed him in the Great Shrine as soon as possible. Being the attentive guard that he is, he immediately went off, practically sprinting his way to get there. Tanya Niruha must've really needed my help, he thought, considering she already have several aides on her side to attend to her needs. Maybe it is something only a man of strength can do. Yes, maybe that's it.

No matter the cause of his presence, he has no reason to refuse nonetheless. It was the king himself who assigned him on her guard. If the king needed him on her side, then Yangcha has to be on her side. No matter what.

Deliberately ignoring the weird stares he gets from the several guards and priests that he passed by from entering the shrine, he went straight to where Tanya's room is. In the hallway, he met Momyeongjim, the high priestess's head attendant, who just came from the Niruha's room, and was immediately greeted with another weird look from her.

"Yangcha," she called, but her eyes were scrutinizing his whole appearance, obviously wondering why he's soaking wet. He only regarded her with a nonchalant look and continued walking to the high priestess's doorstep. Not minding to knock, he slowly opened the heavy wooden door and brought himself in.

Inside is the high priestess lounging on her sofa. Her head ducking to a scroll on her hands. He quickly scanned the whole area and noticed there was no one else around. When Tanya raised her gaze to his presence, he automatically bowed his to show his respect.

Niruha, he greeted on his mind.

"Hey," Tanya called, and so he lift his head and meet her eyes. She was looking at him the same way Momyeongjim did just a few seconds ago at the hallway. Eyeing him from head to toe, and then back up. "Is there something wrong? What is it?" she asked in obvious confusion.

She was of a high status and he was only her guard but he couldn't help but to frown at her query, also confused at her confusion.

I was told you needed me here as soon as possible, he explained.

Tanya blinked at him and then tilted her head sideways as if trying to recall something.

"I don't remember ordering anyone to call for your presence here," she said, some lines of creases slowly forming on her forehead.

Under his mask, his mouth parted at what she just said. Surely, the Niruha would not be playing tricks with him.

But I was clearly told you asked for me here, Niruha.

If only he could talk, his words would have been firmly said and his voice would have sounded whole and throaty as he speak. Thankfully, he couldn't, or he would've upset the high priestess.

Tanya folded the scroll on her hands and set it aside before speaking. "Who told you that?" Her voice surprisingly sounded amused. Of what, who knows.

Gitoha, he answered immediately.

"Gitoha?" she countered, trying to recall which one is Gitoha. And when she did, "Oh. Gitoha.."

It was Yangcha's turn to tilt his head sideways as he try to make out what was going on. It took every ounce of respect in him to not raise a brow on the high priestess when she smirked at him. "Yangcha, I did not call for you. I think he was only joking with you when he told you that."

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