VI. Dance With Me (Young Taealha×Young Tagon)

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[This fictional scene took place before Tagon joined the Daekan Forces on the Great Hunt]


All around the large stonewalled room the chatterings often rise and fall, but never died down. The playings of the small ensemble on the side harmonizes perfectly with the merry atmosphere of the merry gathering. Every present fellow within the room are either different maidens and gentlemen from different tribes, noblemen from the council, valiant warriors from the Daekan Forces, or priests and priestesses from the Asa Clan. All the women are beautifully clad in different shades of dark colored garbs and gowns, and the noblemen are looking striking and dignified in their black and white robes. All these beauties and elegance and majesties but none compares to the one woman whose beauty is most well-known in all of Arthdal's land. Taealha was only watching everyone from above the dais, looking regal and impossing as she should. She was in her signature luscious scarlet dress, but in bare collars and shoulders. Half of her hair was braided into looking like a crown, adorned with golden pins and trinkets on the sides, while the other half were let down in curled locks. The golden circlet atop her head completed her look, giving justice to her high status as their tribe leader's sole heiress.

She needn't reach for another drink for her glass of wine hadn't left her grasp for a while now. The night was still so young but already her head was as light as a feather and as dizzy like she's suffering a slight vertigo. She inclined herself into a lazy posture as she gave the goblet in her hand a gentle rotation, careful not to spill a drop.

She notice her father Mihol, who's sitting on a chair beside hers, giving her a quick glance, and then to the crowd, and then again to her and back again to the crowd, and then smirked.

"What?" asked Taealha in almost like a whisper.

"Do you realize where you are staring?" Mihol's voice sounded like he was entertained but with a hint of utter disbelief. Taealha turned her head to her father and arched up a brow.

"I do, I'm watching the crowd," she answered matter-of-factly. Mihol scoffed at his daughter and the side of his face moved a little.

"What now?" she asked annoyed.

"My love, I know you are still very young and naive, and I know I have brought this upon you, but do not make it too conspicuous. At least not tonight. Have a thought, will you?" Taealha watched her father as he took a sip from his goblet whilst shifting his piercing eyes to someone from the crowd. She followed his gaze and as she did, she was now looking at a boy whose face she will always recognize even from a good distance away.

Taealha stared at him again, this time in conscious state. He was with some of his comrades but he wasn't talking. But every now and then, a smile that does not reach his eyes comes appearing on his face. Suddenly, he casted his eyes upon her and his face lightened. Taealha almost smiled at him but her father spoke.

"There you go again," she immediately dropped her gaze to her wine at the crispness of Mihol's voice. "Sanung is present, my love. Do not give me a reason to drag you out of here for Echabib's sake!" Mihol hissed.

With her head low, she chugged down the remaining liquid in her goblet and plonked down the empty utensil on the side table, silently cursing herself and the father she unfortunately have.

She tilted her head sideways as she heard her father talking with someone else. Someone she least desired to speak to or to even look at.

"Niruha," now standing up, Mihol greeted. She had no choice but to force herself up as well and pay her respect to the Union Leader. "Niruha," she bowed in his presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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