"can we be friends?"

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"Draco, Draco dear, get up." He heard his mother whisper. She gently nudged him but he grumbled and rolled over, burying his face deep in the duck-feather pillow. "Oh well," she teased "I guess you don't want to go to Hogwarts after all."
"I'm up! No, no I'm up!" He sprung from the bed almost jumping to the floor.
"Calm down Dragon, if your father heard you, you would be in trouble." She laughed and checked his trunk- she shrunk certain items to add more.
"Yes but he didn't, did he?" Draco's voice was muffled through the bathroom door. Ten minutes later, Draco emerged from the bathroom perfectly dressed but without his hair gelled.
"Draco, you need to gell your hair." Sighed Narcissa as she guided him to the bathroom once more.
"But I don't like it mother! I look like a prick!" He moaned and stomped his feet.
"Language!" She scolded hitting him lightly on the head while she got the hair gell out. "You can spell it out once you're on the train darling, but for now you have to have it gelled." Draco wanted to protest but thought best to give in and do as his mother says.

Finally, they made it to Platform 9¾ where he automatically spotted Dean and Maria talking with another boy and his parents. "Now Draco, there are Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini and Parkinson on the train. I expect only pureblood followers apart from those Weasley's, do you understand?"
"Yes father." He looked up to see a prideful smile and Draco hated it.
"Goodbye darling, we'll see you at Christmas." Narcissa fussed and pulled him in for a long hug, "Have fun."

The final whistle for the train sounded and Draco clambered on behind three boys with red hair. He knew (well guessed) they were Weasley's, but he held nothing against them. "Draco!" He turned around to see Dean standing with another boy- the one from the train station- just about to head into a compartment. "Hey Draco, Seamus Finnigan." He smiled at the blonde boy as the three sat in a compartment.
"Nice to meet you too Finnigan, excited for Hogwarts?"
"Definitely. Learnt everything from me' mam. Mam's a witch, Dad's a muggle. Bit of a shock when he found out." Seamus laughed.
Draco and Dean did too, "I can imagine." Replied Draco.

"Drakie!!" He heard a girl screech from the open compartment door, she came to a halt when she saw who was in the compartment, "who are these and what are they doing speaking to my Drakie-poo!"
He knew this was going to happen so may as well get it over with, "Pansy Parkinson," Dean's eyes largened when he heard that name- Draco would talk about how annoying she was, "Blaise Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle, meet Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan."
"B-but they aren't purebloods!" Crabbe said with disgust.

"What are they? Halfbloods and Mudbloods?" Goyle added and Draco wasn't going to let them get away with that. His best friend was a muggleborn, they do not get to talk about his friends that way.
"You do not talk about my best friend that way- do you hear me?" He didn’t shout, because that isn't intimidating. Instead, Draco calmly threatened with a sharpness to his voice, "Anteoculatia!" He exclaimed, pointing his hawthorn and unicorn core wand at Goyle. Slowly, antlers began to form on the boys head.

People rushed out of their carts hearing the scream Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle gave out. Blaise was at the side, trying not to laugh. "You will pay for that Malfoy!" Pansy shrieked and beckoned for Crabbe and Goyle to follow.
"Sorry mate, but I can't." Blaise mumbled but Draco understood. Talking to let alone being friends with anyone not pureblood or with a high status in their types of families is considered betrayal.
"It's ok, I know if you say something, you don't mean it." Him and Blaise shook hands and then he went after the other three.

"What does that word mean?" Dean asked (Draco had never said the word in front of Dean before, even as a 'be careful of this slur' type of thing).
"Mud- that word is what people use on muggleborns. That word one of your white neighbours called your mother..." Dean nodder slowly, "It's equally as bad as saying that."
"Me' mam used to be called it too, until she moved and met my dad." Seamus added and placed an arm around Dean for comfort.

A few minutes of talking later, a boy opened the compartment door looking for a place to sit. He was chubby and had black hair (not as black as the boy from the shop Draco reminded himself). "I-I'm N-Neville..." the boy stumbled over his words and Dean was the first to welcome him and soon he was speaking freely and stuttering less around the three boys. "Trevor?" He searched his pockets and the floor: Dean, Seamus and Draco having no clue what he was doing. "I lost Trevor!"
"What is Trevor?" Draco asked him.
"My toad! Grandma got him me!"
"Hey, hey calm down: we'll go look for him ok?" Draco quickly calmed the boy and they all left the compartment to find a lost toad.

Soon enough, Draco had gotten to a compartment with one of the boys he trailed in afterwards and the one from the robe shop. "Oh hi!" He exclaimed when seeing the black-haird boy. "Hello." He said less enthusiastically to the Weasley kid.
"I was wondering: can we be friends? I want to be friends with the right sorts, not the wrong. My names Draco by the way, Draco Malfoy." He thrust his hand out for the boy but it wavered when he heard the ginger cover a laugh with a cough. Draco wanted to comment, he wanted to scold Weasley for it, but he kept his composure and reminded himself that he wasn't going to be like his father.

The boy glanced at the other who slowly shook his head. When the Raven boy turned back to Draco, he had sorrow in his eyes, "I think I can tell the wrong sorts for myself thanks." Draco's face turned immediately from a smile to a frown. Shaking, he lowered his hand and quickly turned to go. That was Harry Potter! He knew it was because he saw the outline oh his scar.


When Harry sat back down he felt really guilty. The boy was really nice to him in Madam Malkins and he helped him learn about things too, but Ron told him not to shake his hand. "Don't feel sorry mate, he's the worst. Stuck-up pureblood and everything: bet he's in Slytherin." Ron said taking a bite of another chocolate frog. However, Harry didn't beleive Ron one bit. If Draco was like Ron described, then why would he be nice to Harry?

A while past until there was another knock at the compartment. "Have you seen Draco Malfoy? Got Blonde hair, light skin, posh-ish voice? He left the compartment helping to look for a toad for a friend and he hasn't come back in a while."
"He was here a while ago asking to be Harry's friend." Ron rolled his eyes at the memory.
"Harry Potter?" He gasped and Harry nodded, "You said yes didn't you? Tell me you said yes! He doesn't stop going on about you!" Interrogated the boy.
"Erm... I, I didn't." Harry stammered over his words.
"What? Why! He's the nicest person I've ever met!" This time Ron actually did scoff, "Don't do that! You don't know anything about him!" The boy defended and slammed the compartment door shut. The sounds reverberation died down just as the announcer said there was a few minutes left till arrival, so to change into your robes.

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