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You slowly open your eyes with your head in your arm, noticing a lack of a certain man's heavy arm holding your body. Then you heard him chatting, you lifted your head slightly to see him holding and talking into his phone, he was making little to no effort to keep you out of frame so you assumed he was face timing Harrison or one of his brothers. You dropped back down to go back to sleep.

He noticed you squirming and softly whispered to you, "Y/N? Wake up, good morning" gently rubbing your arm, "Hey, say hi." You practically hear the slight smile on his face. Your eyes flutter back open, you sit up and say hello, but when you look at the screen all you can see is both of your faces and chest. You look over to Tom whose grin is spread from ear to ear displaying pure joy. You realize he's live streaming and you begin to feel disheartened thinking about what you're going to be in relation to him this time.

"What's going on Tom?" He looks over and lifts your chin up so your lips meet his. You look at him with confusion but before you can ask any more questions he proudly says, "This is Y/N. And he's my fiance."



"URRGGGHHH',' You threw your pillow at the blaring alarm clock, knocking it off the bedside table and shattering it as it smacked against the floor. You finally lifted your head up from the pillow and looked down at the shards of glass that now decorated the floor, "Shit, not again."

After 10 minutes of debating whether you actually need a job or not you finally crawled out of bed, hopped over the glass, and walked into the kitchen, seeing Liam, one of your best friends who you 'mess around with' sometimes, sat at the table, "Another one?" He said sarcastically,

"Shut up." You said whilst pouring out cereal and starting to eat it, "I don't even know why it was set, I quit my job like a 3 weeks ago."

"I set it." You felt ready to rip his throat out and started to walk towards him with the said goal in mind, looking towards you with your fear he exclaimed, "So you could come to set with me. But you need to get ready in like the next 45 minutes." You looked at him with feigned aggression and grunted fine, but inside you were screaming with joy. Liam had managed to get a job working on the set of Iron Man 3, how was a question no one could answer. 

You quickly jumped into the shower and dressed yourself to a relatively higher standard than normally and hopped into the car, thinking that this may have been done as a ploy to get a free ride to work from you by Liam.

First Person  

As we drove into the set, Liam flashed his card and introduced me as his guest. I parked up and Liam told me to stay put whilst he went and got me a guest pass. Of course, I ignored him and went for a walkabout.  You'd really thought a set with so many A-listers would have better security.

The set was extremely extensive, of course, it was only the set for some kind of party hall but it was still awesome, famous actors were walking around as I gawped. Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Favreau, Don Cheadle! and then, I turned around to see Robert. Downey. Junior. Walking towards. Me. I begin to panic. What am I gonna say? Why is he walking towards me? AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. 

"Hey, kid." I snapped outta that spiral real quick when I heard Robert. Downey. Fucking Junior. Talking to me. I open my mouth waiting for something to come out and the one and only thing to fall out in THE most passive-aggressive tone is, 

"What do you want?" I nearly gasp when I realize what I have just said to one of the most popular people in Hollywood, unfazed he replies, "Could you go and get me an iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, poured, not shaken and a muffin?" For some reason, I acted as though I knew what I was doing and asked if he wanted chocolate or blueberry. FYI, blueberry is his favourite (IDK if this is true but I like the idea). 

I just nodded my head and he walked away. At that moment Liam came and found me, of course, he scolded me for walking away handed me a lanyard with a guest card on it, and said he had work to get on with so, "Don't get in trouble." And then walked away before I had the chance to tell him what happened.  I stood around for a second thinking about what to do and then turned around to find a Starbucks. 

A feyoo minutes later

After finding a Starbucks and getting the filthiest looks from the staff after making Roberts order, I stood, waiting for the coffee to be ready and thought about what had just happened, I am now taking Robert Downey Jrs coffee order, I manage to draw attention to myself once again as I begin to giggle about that fact. Once I heard my name get called I grab it and go back to the set.

I wander around the set realizing I have no idea where anything is and most importantly, I had no idea where Robert was. That was until I heard someone shouting, "CUT." I spun around to see where it came from and saw Robert and Jon Guy Pearce walking away from a fake elevator and separating. I quickly approached Robert with his coffee and muffin. He thanked me and asked me for my name, "Y/N, Y/N (Your last name)."

"Oooo. A Bond introduction. I like it." He said laughing a little.  He then asked me to check the score for a football game, I did so, his team was losing. But then one of the producers walked up and asked who I was, "I'm Y/N." She raised her eyebrows clearly not knowing who I was, "I'm a guest of Liam's." Robert then perked up and looking at me confused exclaimed,

" I thought he was a general assistant, that's why I sent you for coffee," I explained that I just didn't know how to respond to one of my favourite actors asking me to fetch him coffee so I just did it. The producer looked very ready to call security to kick the shit out of me. Or do it herself. At least until Robert spoke up again, "DO you have a job kid?" I shook my head hesitantly, "Well, there are very few people who can get my coffee order right without having to write it down, so. Do you want a job as my PA?"



Hi Y'all please tell me what you think so far in the comments

Thanks for reading :)

I think I'm in Love (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now