You are invited

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Your POV

I spent the next few weeks prepping the new members of the assistance team, including Harrison, Robert and myself, for filming to start. I hadn't thought about Tom too much mainly because I knew I had no chance with him. I woke up, 5 days before the start of filming, to the sound of my 'I am Iron-Man' ringtone meaning it was Robert. I picked it up and questioned why he was phoning me in an aggressive, yet still friendly, tone, even though I already knew what it was for. 

"Good Morning to you too. It's that time again, they all need to be handed out by the end of tomorrow. By you. Personally. Please. Oh and I want black tie, ish." I agreed and we had a short chat before we wrapped up and I got myself dressed and sent a text to all the PA's of the major characters in the movie asking for where they were staying.  As all the addresses came through, I hopped into my car and found a random print shop and quickly designed an invitation similar to last time to look like the movie poster.

Every time there was a big movie Robert threw a big party to welcome any newcomers, luckily we were in Germany for the start of filming, so for this party, I can drink and I intend to do so. The machine beeped to indicate the printing was done, I sent Robert a picture of the invites and he sent back, "Looks good." 

I looked at the first address, Chris Evans. I drove to his hotel and went up to his room. I knocked on the door and he answered. He let me in and I handed him the invite,

"Downey's got you running his errands again."

"Yeah of course he does," I replied,

"He never runs out of jobs for the busiest Avenger." He says referencing my nickname, 'The busiest Avenger.' I got the nickname during the filming of Age of Ultron when I was running around doing everything for everyone and that nickname got me my place in the Avengers group chat wherein the only other members are actors who play the Avengers or have a major role in the movies, like Tom Hiddleston. We chat for another 20 minutes before I leave and move onto other invitees, Johannson, Boseman, Brühl until I reached a name on the list I had been waiting for. Tom Holland. 

I pull up to the hotel and take a deep breath before taking the heavy steps out of the car and into the hotel. I walk down the corridor towards his room, it seems to be getting longer as I take more steps until I finally reach the door. I lift my fist to knock on the door but before I make contact it opens and reveals Harrison. "Oh. Hi Y/N." He says looking down at the handful of invites I was holding, "I assume that's why you asked the address earlier,"

"Yeah, Robert always throws some kind of party before filming starts, normally the first day of filming is pointless because everyone is either exhausted or hungover from the partying," I explain, thinking about all the other parties he had thrown.

"Very nice. Am I invited?" He asked turning his head.

"Of course you are, most of the higher-ups in the production and direction teams are invited along with the PA's but Robert like the grandiose of having me run around handing out invites to the guests of honour," I said displaying a certain amount of sarcasm towards the end.

"Very cool. Right, I am going to the shop, Tom is in the shower right now but you can just wait in the living room." I thank him and step into the luxurious hotel room. I hear the shower still running, so I park myself on the large sofa and wait for him. Even though I haven't spoken to him for a couple of weeks, I still feel butterflies In my stomach and begin to tense up just a little bit. 

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the shower stopping and Tom strutting out of the bathroom. That was until he was stood directly in front of me, I shoot up and quickly realise that we had yet to interact with each other directly. "H-hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N, Robert Downey Jrs Personal Assistant" I had to use all of my will power to keep myself from looking down at his naked, dripping wet torso. He looks me up and down,

I think I'm in Love (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now