Chapter 5: The True Reason pt2

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I wanted to say that this was suggested by _11shadow thx! imma change it a bit. Anywho enjoy the chapter!
~Gajeels Pov~
"Its just I wish she could come back but after when she got really sick we didn't have the right medicine and stuff for her" He said.
"Lucky the village we are at had the right medicine, were just lucky it wasnt something so bad" She said.
"But it did effect her.. And she doesn't remember anything neither Gajeel, and I guess its for the best." He said.
"We will be ever be able to come back?" She asked.
"Hopefully at some point.. But for now this is the saftest plan" He said. She than nodded.
"Were lucky that this didn't effect her werewolf side at all but it did block it out and her memories meaning she can come back and you to" He said as he pulled her onto his lap and rested his head on her shoulder.
"Yeah your right.." She said smiling as she leaned into his touch.
'No way.. So thats the truth... After all this time.. I've finally found her! And know the truth! I should get going now and keep there little meeting a secret I don't want to be dead' I got up quietly and sneak away without them knowing.

A smile appeard on my face as I thought of I have finally found my childhood friend. I stopped and looked up into the sky.
"I've finally found you and I ain't letting ya go this time" I said. I than continued to walk thinking about all the information I just got and making a plan. After some time he made it back to the territory.
"Yo metal head!" Natsu yelled.
"What salamander!" I yelled back.
"Why you always leaving!" Natsu said.
"Why do you care so much!" I said.
"Because its kinda suspicious" Natsu said. I hitted him over the head.
"Ow! What the heck! You wanna fight or something?!" Natsu yelled.
"Not right now so leave me alone salamander" I said.
"Ok ok fine also me and you have to go hunting this time" Natsu said wit a grining smile.
"Ok" I said as I walked away. Natsu went back to the group.

I looked around for Lily. After some time I finally found him.
"Aye Lily!" I said walking up to him.
"Hm?" Lily said as he turned his head.
"Oh Hey Gajeel" Lily said.
"I got some stuff to tell ya" I said.
"Ok what is it?" Lily asked.
"In private" I said.
"Ah ok" Lily said nodding. We than walked to talk privately.
"So what do you need to tell me?" Lily asked.
"Well" I said.

~After Explaining ~
"No way!" Lily said with wide eyes.
"Yes way! I saw and heard the whole thing!" I said.
"That's interesting" Lily said.
"Knowing you your gonna do something right?" Lily asked.
"You know me so well" I said. Lily sighed.
"Just don't do any stupid or dumb ok?" Lily said.
"Ok ok ill try not to but no promises" I said with a grin.
"I swear" Lily chuckled as he shakes his head.
"Metal head! Its time to go hunting!" Natsu yelled.
"Ugh ok ok im coming!" I yelled back.
"Cya Lily" I said as I walked away.
"Bye" Lily said. I walked over to Natsu.
"Ready?" Natsu asked. I nodded.
"Alright lets go than!" Natsu said.
Than we both turned into our wolf forms and went hunting. After that we had a good meal. After I was done eating and went to look up at the sky and to start plan.

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