Part 5

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Two years later.

"I think I've broken my back," Louis groaned as he splayed out onto the hardwood floor.

"Don't be so dramatic," Harry chuckled, placing the last of the cardboard boxes down by the wall.

"I heard something crack." Louis pouted.

When he heard something click, Louis looked up from his position on the floor, only to see Harry standing with his new vintage looking Fujifilm camera in front of his face.

"Haz," he whined. "Stop taking pictures of me."

"But you're so pouty and cute," Harry answered, placing the camera carefully on the counter. "I'm just putting your graduation gift to good use, it took me ages to get hold of it, mind you."

"I'm supposed to take embarrassing pictures of you with that though," Louis pouted. "Not the other way around."

"But I just can't help myself." Harry grinned.

"And my back still hurts, come take care of me." Louis huffed.

"Aww poor baby." Harry said, walking over to his boyfriend. "Want me to kiss it better for you?"

"We can assemble our new bed first, then you can kiss me wherever you'd like." Louis teased, laughing when Harry scoffed at him.

"You're an insufferable twat," Harry sat down beside him on the floor. "Remind me again why I bought an apartment with you?"

"Because you are deeply and undeniably in love with me," Louis smiled, scooting over to sit in Harry's lap, his thighs bracketing Harry's.

"You're not wrong there." Harry said quietly.

"But it's okay," Louis tucked a loose strand of Harry's hair behind his ear softly. "Because I'm crazy for you, too."

Harry leaned up, kissing Louis softly. Louis' lips were warm and soft, Harry could never get enough of them. His hands wandered down to Louis' waist, hitching him up higher on his lap, making Louis gasp. Harry took the opportunity to deepen their kiss, licking into his mouth softly, tasting him. Louis tasted like strawberries on a summer night, like hot chocolate in front of a bonfire, and Harry could not get enough.

"Harry," Louis mumbled between kisses. "Haz."

"Hm?" Harry mumbled, beginning to trail kisses down Louis' neck, sucking at the spot just below Louis' ear that he knew drove the boy crazy.

"We need to—get ready." Louis stuttered. "Graduation party- remember?"

Harry groaned. "But what if I just want to stay here with you?" He asked, burrowing his face in Louis' chest.

"My mum would probably kill you." Louis chucked, reluctantly getting to his feet. "Now come on, if you're quick you can join me in the shower."

At that Harry shot to his feet, ushering them both towards their bathroom with Louis giggling, tripping over his feet trying to keep up.


"A toast to our new graduate, we are so proud of you Louis." His mother said, raising her champagne glass in a toast, all of the guests following. "For Louis," she said.

"For Louis," everyone echoed.

Louis felt a blush creep up his cheeks. "Thanks, mum."

When the crowd had dispersed somewhat, most of the guests going for the buffet table, his mother made her way over to them, Louis' dad in tow.

"Harry," she greeted. "How are you, love?"

"I'm great, Jay. You?" Harry asked, smiling brightly.

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