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"Why?... Why is it him that you love and not me?" Ten asked as the rain poured, his body getting soaked.

"Chittaphon... I... I'm sorry that you feel this way but I love Taeyong." you said, hand gripping the umbrella handle.

"After everything I've done for you... You just toss me aside like that? Like I'm a piece of garbage?!."

"Chittaphon please-"

"Don't call me that! My name is Ten to you!" you looked at the ground, hurt, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes.

"I'm sorry... What do you want me to do?"

"Break up with Taeyong and be with me." he pleaded, his hands balled into a tight fist.

"Please." his voice cracked.

You shook your head.

"I can't do that."

Ten's jaw clenched.

He walked up to you, going under your umbrella, his wet hands cradling your face as he said nothing, his brown eyes staring into yours with a mixed emotion of sadness and anger, the pouring rain being the only sound between the both of you.

Finally breaking the silence, Ten said, "When he hurts you, I'll welcome you back with open arms." he glanced away with a sad smile.

"I'm the only one who can love you the way you should be loved." his attention went back to you. "And maybe by being with Taeyong, you'll realize soon enough that... that we are made for each other, you and I. And I'll always be one step behind you to catch you whenever you fall."

He beamed at you with a bright smile, your face still in his hands.


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