the envious moon

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Agatha if you find this and read past this page I will know and I will flay you alive

Dear Diary,

I, Sophie, hate Nicola.

That's it. Send tweet. Full stop. End of story.

There's not a jot more to it.

Teddy would try and tell me, in his... infinite wisdom, there's a lot more to it, but I've tuned Tedros out for 14 years whenever we're not dancing, and I'm not going to tune him back in now.

(Well, briefly, I paid very close attention to him when I thought he was into me, but what he was actually doing was trying to get dating advice from me. It was a mess. I digress.)

The point is, I hate Nicola, Nicola hates me, and that is that.

Have we ever actually met, talked face to face, or seen each other for more than five seconds? ...not as such.

But we're rival protégés of rival teachers, who run rival dance schools, and we have rival colours, and--

You see, diary, where this is going. It's a bit Romeo and Juliet, Agatha says. I don't think Romeo and Juliet made a habit of cyberbullying each other on Twitter, but what do I know (or care) about literature?

Today's highlights of my twitter campaign against Lesso School of Dance include:

Replied flops, can't even do an arabesque lmao under their most recent tweet. 50 likes as of 20:54 PM.

Blocked three more dancers when they tried to argue with me

Made another new account just in case the Lesso account blocks me again

Teddy told me I should be practicing more but, as I said, I don't listen to Teddy. Anyway, he wasn't practicing himself, just looking for some miniscule blemish on his flawless face in the mirror.

And he says I'm vain.

(Later, 22:35 PM)

Dear Diary,


@nicolapofficial replied to your tweet: you need a comma after "flops"... but I suppose you're too busy practicing after your recent trainwreck of a show to think about basic grammar, right?

I threw my phone so hard I chipped the screen.

See? I don't need to know Nicola to hate her. Not when she swoops in with things like that. I have done nothing to her!

I fumed the whole way home. (And blocked her. And all her accounts I could find.) Teddy did his usual insufferable sauntering behind me. Despite what he thinks my Twitter spats are (something vaguely entertaining to catch up with on the toilet, apparently) I consider them a noble endeavour, protecting my school's reputation and simultaneously smearing the other school in the process. And it's not as if it's discouraged, either. Everyone knows that Clarissa Dovey and Leonora Lesso actively foster their student's rivalry, because they had their own when they were dancers.

Though I suppose, in Dovey and Lesso's esteem, it's a... friendly thing.

As we were walking, Hester, vile thing, bellowed across the road from where all the Lesso dancers were stood;


And I decided that I do not simply hate Nicola. I detest her.


Dear Diary,

Well, I asked Agatha if she told Nicola about my foot injury, and she shirks all responsibility. As the neutral party in this whole... arrangement (Old schoolmates with Nicola, roommates with me), she was the only link I could see. She says she did not.

the envious moonWhere stories live. Discover now