It's Time To Celebrate

22 2 2

Mark P.O.V

As I started to regain consciousness, I heard muffled voices. I slowly turned on my side and opened my eyes, the voices stopped, and then I new I must've been on a bed, judging by the material.

"Hey, Are you awake?" The voice was soft and smooth as honey. It was a female. She had shiny (s/c) skin, and beautiful (h/c) hair. She was wearing what seemed to be a (f/c) formal dress. Weird, it's nothing like any dress I've ever seen. It was a lot fancier. My eyes widened, remembering what just happened.

"Where am I? What am I doing here? Who are you,", I asked a million questions a minute, and the girls just chuckled. That was when I noticed a second female in the room. The one that spoke earlier speaks up.

"My name is (y/n), and that's my  best friend over there, Lisa. To answer the rest of your questions, you are in my manor, and we found you in an alleyway while we were out shopping. I must say, your style is unlike anything I've ever seen, but I must admit, I like it." That's when Lisa started to speak.

"Are you hungry? You must be with how long you were out. And try not to stress so much, you have a minor concussion." She then proceeds to hand me what seems like beef stew and some bread.

"How long was I out", I question as I dig into the food.

"About a week or so. What's your name", Lisa says as my eyes widen.

"Mark", I say, still stunned.

"Are you going to tell us why you were passed out in that alley in the cold? You looked as if you were dead", (y/n) spoke as she and Lisa sat down on either side of me on the bed to listen.

"I think it would be best to start from the beginning, huh", I say. They nod their heads as Lisa speaks once again.

"Do try to be quiet about it. (y/n)'s father wanted you to leave as soon  as you got up."

"Okay, I will. When I woke up, It was my birthday. My father gave me this watch, and told me to take good care of it. I left on my bike to go to school, and when I got there just before the bell, I just, kinda, passed out. And now I'm here."

"That doesn't explain how you got in that alleyway, nor do some of the things you just named exist", Lisa states.

"Lisa's right. For starters, what is a bike? And why do you go to school, when the teachers are supposed to come to you? And what is this bell you speak of? Whatever they are, it will have to wait, because my father will be coming home any minute. And since you don't have anywhere to stay, from what I can tell, we'll have to convince Lisa's father to let you stay with them. My father would automatically say no. And we have to discuss the detail's of the ball. My butler, Alfred, will take care of you in the mean time."

"Yes, that's right. You finish eating and get some rest. My sisters should be coming here later, and we'll fill them in to hide you at least until tomorrow evening. If we get lucky, when the boys come to the ball, and won't get too drunk so you can stay with one of them instead of four girls.", Lisa says.

"That's fine with me.", I say.

All of the sudden, we hear what I assume to be the front door open and close and someone say, 'welcome home, master'.

"My father, he's home. Let's go Lisa. Mark, you stay here and rest, and I hope you don't snore. We have to go talk with my father about things", (y/n) says as they get up.

"Okay, go ahead", I say as they leave the room and I can't help but think about what they said. They don't know what a bike is, they have butlers and instead of going to school, the teachers come to them. They wear fancy attire while at home, have such proper English accents, talk about throwing balls instead of parties, and say manor instead of mansion. And the my mind wanders back to what my dad said. Is it possible, that I could've......................

Time Traveled??!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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