A finale

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4 months later

"Ladies and gentlemen, a warm welcome to the first battle of this year's Lumiose Conference! By the end of this tournament, the best Kalos has to offer will go against our new defending champion, Alain!"

"That's right Martin, and to kick it off is a bit of a mysterious match! On one side we've got Paul, who's a very closed off person. On the other side, there's Satoshi, who wears a cloak that conceals himself and his partner Pokémon."

From each side came the two trainers. One dressed in a purple colour palette and a serious expression. The other covered by a cloak and mask, but who bore a smile at recognising his old rival.

"Electivire, stand by for battle." Paul figured that his opponent wouldn't be messing around, and so neither would he.

"Infernape, I choose you." The Sinnoh starter for fired up after seeing his rival.

"You're familiar..."

"Mach Punch!"

Infernape rushed towards Electivire with a fist out, making contact before Paul could react.

"Use Thunder!"

"Dig!" Infernape dug under the ground as the lightning bolt struck the spot he was once standing.

"It is you!" Satoshi put his finger to his mouth in a hushing sign.

"Flare Blitz."


The Protect shielded Infernape beneath the ground, building up heat.

"Mach Punch!" Satoshi called out after the Protect dissipated. Infernape punched through the ground, bringing all the pent up what with him. Once the surface was breached, it was like a volcanic eruption.

"Thunder Punch."

The Mach and Thunder punches collided, however because of the nature of the move, Infernape was able to recoil and strike again quicker, and the heat still present fatigued Electivire. Because of this, Electivire ended up getting pummeled.

"Flare Blitz." The move was enough to finish off Paul's Pokémon. His other two didn't fare any better, and the match ended with a 3-0 sweep.

The two trainers met at the centre of the battlefield and shook hands. "Meet me in room 658." The cloaked figure whispered.

"A clean sweep from Satoshi! Just who is this man who dominated one of Sinnoh's best?"


"Ash." It was now 8:30pm and the two were in Ash's hotel room. Clemont and Korrina were out on their own job, Bonnie and Serena were in the girls' room.

The Pallet boy took off his good and mask. "Sorry about all this. It's a long story."

"Why are you dressed up like a plague doctor?"

"To conceal myself."

"Aren't you just attracting attention to yourself?"

"Well yes, but it'd be worse if my actual face was shown. Do you know how things are here at the moment?"

"Well I heard on the news that Kalos had invaded Galar a while back and that they were reportedly planning an attack on everywhere else too..."

"Exactly. Guess who got the news out to the world."

"Ah... And now you're back?"

"Yep. And this time no trickery will stop me from becoming champion."

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