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The next morning after breakfast there was a knock on the door. I peaked out the window and saw Danny. Confused I opened the door.

"Hey what's up?"

"Can I come in?" He pushed the door open wider slowly.

"Yeah, Sure."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you never called me last night."

"Oh crap. I'm sorry. I got home and went straight to bed."

"That's okay." He shut the door behind him. "So Kara called me and said she wasn't going to school or work because her nausea is so bad."

"That sucks. I hope shes okay."

"I asked her if she needed anything, but she said she was okay. "

"Oh good. I'm not ready yet."

"I was actually thinking we would skip school today."

"What? Really?" I began to smile.

"Yeah, just the two of us."

"Where are we going?"

"I was thinking the beach."

"Really?" I clapped and he smiled.

"Yeah why not." He pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, "I have everything we need packed."

"Okay, let me get a bathing suit."

I ran upstairs and tossed off my night gown. I quickly pulled on a bathing suit, sun dress and packed an extra outfit shoving it into a small gym bag. Danny was waiting for me down stairs.

"Ready?" He held out his hand.


I grabbed his hand and we headed across the street. He car was parked at the curb and the back seat was stuffed with beach supplies. He had the top pulled down as well.

"Oh you mean business with the roof down."

He laughed, "It took me fifteen minuets to fold it down." He opened my door, "Your carriage, my lady."

"Why thank you kind sir." I got in and he shut the door. 

I set my bag down on the floor and pulled on my seat belt. As he rounded the car I dug out my phone. I sighed when I saw Joseph's name across the screen. Danny got in and pulled on his seat belt.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah." I smiled at him.

"You sure?" He paused as he went to start the car.

"I'm sure." I clicked off the phone and then dropped it back into my bag.

"Alright, here we go."

I smiled and he pulled away from the curb. Once at the beach we started at the pier first. We ate greasy food and ice cream on a cone. We walked along the pier seeing performers and petting an over weight pig.  Then we set up on the beach and went swimming. We headed under the pier and searched of shells. I looked over at Danny.

"Find any good ones?"

"No." He laughed, "Just broken ones, and sand crabs."

"I'm just finding rocks." I laughed with him.

"Want to go to the gift shop and buy some and just say we found them?"

"Yeah, definitely." 

We laughed and waited for the water to come back up to wash off our sandy hands. We headed back up towards the gift shop. 

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