(Chapter 1) A Real Job?

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Fear is a strange thing.

Such a powerful emotion that can take over your whole body just in the blink of an eye.

To fear something so strongly that you react by perhaps, running, freezing, crying, and perhaps, the most associated reaction, screaming.

On this day, in particular, I felt true fear... and I reacted with the latter, most expected reaction.


I sat up with a jolt, bumping heads with my little sister, Charlotte.

"Ow ow ow! Sheesh, I'm sorry I woke you up, but that just hurt." Charlotte whined while rubbing the sore spot on her forehead. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, still bleary with sleep.

"Yeah, well, would you do me the honor of telling me why'd you wake me up at this ungodly hour, dear sister?" I asked, with noticeable sarcasm in my tone.

Charlotte grabbed my arm and tried to drag me out of my bed. "It's your day to cook breakfast, Me and Paityn are hungry!"

"Paityn and I, Sis." I corrected.

"Shut up."

Charlotte let go of my arm and walked towards my door. "Just hurry and get up, ok? We're craving your blueberry pancakes." She said before she left my room.

"Guess I can't keep them waiting," I thought to myself as I rolled out of my bed onto my soft carpet. I stood up, pulled off my Star Wars nightgown, and grabbed a hoodie and black jeans. I slipped on some furry, colorful slippers before running downstairs.

"Ay girls!" I shouted when I reached the living room.

And I was greeted with a,

"Good morning!" From Paityn, and an "I want pancakes." from Charlotte.

I snorted at my roommate's greetings before going into the kitchen and getting started on the pancakes. I knew the recipe by heart, so I never had to write it down.

I live in an apartment with my little sister and our best friend, Paityn. We've all been friends since we were in middle school and still are to this day.

Charlotte works at a local Subway for her job, Paityn works at a little bubble tea shop, and I have an animation/gaming channel on Youtube for my work. Though, I will admit it's not paying very well right now.

I spooned the pancake batter onto the hot griddle before opening a pack of bacon to put on the griddle as well. The combination of the sweet pancakes and the savory bacon gave off a pleasant aroma that caused me to inhale it with a sigh.

"Mmm, that smells great!" Paityn remarked, coming up behind me and resting her chin on my head.

"Good cause it's ready to eat!"


"Artisan? There's something we need to talk about." Paityn said, taking a seat on the couch we had in our living room.

"Oh shoot." I knew exactly where this was going. I sat on the old recliner I got from my grandpa and looked at Paityn and Charlotte for what they wanted to say.

Paityn let out a sigh, "Arti, we need to talk about your job." She began popping a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"Oh yeah? What about it?" I asked, and I could already feel myself getting defensive. I knew that I shouldn't feel that way. It was petty, but it's something I've always struggled with.

Paityn continued, "Well, we've just noticed that your channel hasn't been making a lot of revenue, and it's getting a bit harder to pay our rent. So, we just think that, um, well that-"

"You need to get off your lazy rear and get a 'Real Job'." Charlotte finished while eating the last bit off her plate with a frown.

I groaned at Charlotte's snide comment and sunk back in my chair. They knew I hated the idea of working some nine to five job for some rando. I have always wanted to be self-employed and live by my own rules. That's why I chose to try a career as a YouTuber. It's not a huge channel, just a couple thousand subscribers. I mostly do some gaming with friends and the occasional animation.

"Look, I know the channel isn't huge right now, and it takes time to build up a fan base, but I'm sure if I upload more frequently-"

"Arti, you've been at this for nearly a year now. You gotta do something else, or we're not gonna be able to pay our rent." Charlotte objected, obviously getting annoyed.

Paityn looked at me with pity. "We're not saying you have to like, quit YouTube, but you're going to have to do something else as well. Just until your channel starts making more, y'know?"

I let out a long sigh. Yeah. I knew. It was inevitable that I'd have to do some work on the side while I built up my channel. Didn't mean I was very enthusiastic about it though.

"Ok, fine. I'll get a 'Real Job' or whatever but just until I'm famous or something I don't know." I grumbled, getting out of my seat, and grabbed our finished plates to bring them to the kitchen. I paused before leaving the living room and looking back at the girls.

"Say, y'all's jobs wouldn't happen to be hiring, would they?"

"Nope, sorry, Arti."

"Yeah, no."

Looks like I'mma have to actually put the effort in...

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