Cute little Sunflower

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Ivan : he was at school chilling he was more of the "I'll kill you if you get next to me" type of person but he was also sweet

Alfred: he was sitting next to ivan since his assigned seat was next to ivan now alfred was a very happy and a ball of energy type of person and some people hated that but he didn't care

Ivan : he looks at alfred and blushes hiding in his scarf his sis gave him when he was little " damn it " he sighs softly you see ivan was in love with alfred he wanted alfred so bad he wanted to kiss him and ma- my my ivan let's clam down here " ALFRED

Alfred: he jumps and looks at ivan fast blushing oh ivan was talking to him for the first time " yes ivan " he asked in a happy but scared voice at the same time you see he always knew ivan was a werid kid and he always flet like ivan was watching him so that scared him but there was this other side of alfred that really really wish for ivan to talk to him he loved to hear ivan talk even if it was to himself it always made alfred heart flutter

Ivan : he gulped and looks out the window " do you want to come over you know to my house " he asked and looks at alfred nervously he plays with his scarf and bits it gently since he was so scared and nervous

Alfred: his eyes widen and was surprised that ivan would invite him to his house " your house you want me to go hmm OKKKK I would love to " he jumps around " school is over we can go now " he says

Ivan : he felt all the nervousness and fear leave his body and all that was left was a happy feeling and his heat fluttering in his chest " Da let's go then " he gets up and grabs his bag he walks out of school and looks at some people but they didn't look at him back he tried to wave at other people a little but they just gave him a scared look ivan sighs and wish people would just try to get to know him

Alfred: he sees ivan trying to get people attention and gets upset since no one would do that alfred hugs ivan and smiled up at him " hey ivan you want to be friends " he asked and nuzzles ivan liking being so close it felt nice

Ivan : he was so embarrassed that alfred was hugging him his heart was beating so fast and oh how he wanted to kiss the beautiful American right here and now but didn't " um sure " he says and looks away coughing and hiding in his scarf he pulls alfred away and walks out the school to his house he gets there and sits down on his bed his room had lots of red and black not to say lots of adult stuff

Alfred: he was so happy that ivan wanted to be his friend alfred skips off to Ivan's house and giggles when he gets there he sits down and looks at ivan " um I have lots of homework today its math homework I'm not so good with it but I seen that you are could you help me " he asked

Ivan : he nods fast and would love to help alfred " yes um I'll help show me

Alfred: he nods and takes  out his homework he shows ivan

Ivan : he takes it and starts to teach alfred but gets closer to him a little ever 20 minutes until he was very close to alfred " and that's how you add " he smiled and turns to alfred his face very close to his he blushes and couldn't take it he grabs alfred and kisses him

Alfred: he didn't notice ivan getting so close but when the teaching was over alfred looks at Ivan and blushes cherry red oh god he was so close to ivan but alfred almost died when ivan started to kiss him alfred heart flutters and oh god how he liked this he sighs happily and warps his arms around Ivan's neck

Ivan : he kissed alfred passionately and pushes him down

Alfred: he smiled and was just in heaven now

( time skip to when all this was over since I'm to embarrass to write that stuff lol)

Alfred: he was crying in Ivan's arms and had marks on his arm from the rope

Ivan : he holds alfred and kissed his forehead softly " you did amazing my tiny little sunflower

Alfred: he looks at ivan and smiled nuzzling him and trys to stop crying " I love you " he says gently and falls asleep in Ivan's arms

Ivan : he was so happy to hear that " I love you too sunflower


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