Chairman Rose

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Bede felt all alone in the orphanage, although it was partially his fault because he fought all the other kids. He started learning more instead of just playing after he gave up on his mother returning. As years passed, he focused more on schoolwork than other children and was smarter than most of the kids in his class. He still disliked most of the other children, and the other children disliked him, but it didn't bother him.

He studied outside of class and educated himself on things the schoolwork would not teach him. He found the biology of Pokémon fascinating.

Orphanages were funded quite a lot by the Champion and Macro Cosmos. The Chairman of Macro Cosmos would visit occasionally to see the staff and check the grades of the children to ensure they were getting the education he requested. The other children would rush to see him and talk to him, but Bede kept his distance from everyone. He was more interested in his own interests.

Bede thought that Chairman Rose was interested in everyone except him because he never interacted with the man, but Chairman Rose was quite interested in Bede because of his grades and behavior. Every time he visited, Rose would ask the staff about him in private. He kept his eye on the boy. He seemed to have a lot of potential in the Chairman's eyes.

On one school day, the Headteacher announced over the intercom that the Chairman would be visiting that day, and students needed to be on their best behavior. It didn't matter much to Bede since he always ignored the man's presence anyway.

During biology, the students were studying Pokémon that had strange anatomies. Such as Solosis, a pokémon that Bede was very interested in.

"Solosis' liquid body allows it to survive in any environment. It could theoretically allow it to survive in the vacuum of space as well." The teacher had been saying before the door opened. Bede was too focused on the textbook and his notes to look up. A few students gasped. The teacher cleared her throat.

"Welcome M-Mr. Chairman Rose," Her voice shook a little. There was a hearty chuckle from the side of the room. "Thank you for having me. Just go on with your lesson. Ignore me." A man's voice said. The teacher cleared her throat again. "Alright everyone, moving on. Both the Galarian Ponyta and the form of Ponyta from outside of Galar share at least one interesting anatomy feature. Their hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds-"

Bede wrote down these notes and wrote some diamond facts off to the side for reference, all of which were from a book he read and were not taught in class. The chairman walked through the rows of chairs, looking over the shoulders of many children. Most of them had some decent notes, but some weren't even paying attention.  It disappointed him. As he walked by Bede's desk, he stopped completely to look over his shoulder. Bede's notes were very well organized, written and had more information than he had expected out of a young boy. The kids in the class were only eleven at the time. 

"Hello there." The Chairman said to Bede, who was so focused he didn't know Rose was there. Bede gasped in surprise and turned his head quickly to face Rose.

"Hello..." Bede said quietly. Rose smiled and sat down next to him.

"You seem to be good at taking notes. I also appreciate that you're one of the few that are still paying attention." Rose says. Bede nods at him. It felt good to be praised, especially since it was coming from Rose. Bede was rarely praised because of his behavior. 

"You also seem to be quite smart." Rose continues. "Did your teacher tell you about the Mohs Scale? You seem to understand it and know that diamonds are on the top." He smiled again.

"No. I read about it in a book." Bede replied.

"You're very smart to educate yourself and get ahead of everyone. That will get you some where in life. You have a lot of potential." Rose said. Bede's eyes widened. He hadn't had many chances to impress people. He wanted to seize this opportunity.

"You really think so?" Bede asked.

"Yes, of course! Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll check on you again one day." Rose said and stood up. He walked to the door and waved at all the students then left.

Bede, with new found excitement and inspiration, started working harder than he ever had before. He suddenly wanted the chairman's attention. He wanted to show him that he was better than everyone else. He read every book on Pokemon his eleven year old mind could handle.

Bede's grades began to rise even further, completely rising to straight As. He hoped each day that the chairman would come to visit. Seeing the chairman on TV made him happy. He hoped that if he proved himself to the chairman, he would be one of the people on TV with him. The chairman would praise him like he did with all the trainers on screen and he'd be something important again.

Finally, the chairman arrived at the orphanage. Bede saw him in the lobby talking with the staff. He wanted to run right up to him and talk, but he shouldn't look silly in front of him. However, the chairman saw him peeking through the doorway and walked to him.

"Hello young Bede. How are you?" The chairman asked kindly.

"I'm doing good! My grades went up!" Bede said.

"I saw! Straight As! You've become even smarter than you were when I saw you at the school. This made me think about something very important. You clearly have proven you have plenty of potential." The chairman says and pauses. Bede gawked at the chairman as he processed his words. Rose looked back down at Bede and said something that knocked the wind straight out of him.

"I want to enroll you into a trainer's school, but I don't think I can do that or fully moderate your progress without adopting you. Of course, I don't mind doing that at all. You'd be quite the amazing son, Bede." Rose said, ruffling the kid's hair. Bede wanted to scream. This is all he wanted and more.

"Yes!" Bede said breathlessly. Rose smiled and pulled something out of his pocket.

"I'm happy you agreed. Take this. You'll need it for training outside of trainer school." The chairman hands him a pokeball.

"Whats in it?" Bede asked eagerly, excited that he just received his first Pokemon.

"A Hatenna." Rose said. He turned. "Now follow. I'll handle all the fancy work, but for now, I'm going to take you to you're going to live from now on." He said, taking the 11 year old's hand.

Bede spent 4 years in trainer's school. To say his progression was fast would be an understatement, but he still needed perfection.

Rose made many promises to Oleana that having the kid around would help them with the problem bothering him.

About 6 months after Bede's 15th birthday, Rose was ready to tell Bede about everything. The future's energy situation, the Gym Challenge, Wishing Stars, and his abilities to defeat the champion. 

All of this is the past for Bede now. His future starts now. 

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