chapter two

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Before Ezra could say anything his brother took off running and Ezra couldn't catch him, so he walked back after he ran so far and the entire way home he thought, "I miss her I should've done more to save her I bet she hate's me for that now." He finally got home and he could barely walk in the house cause he kept remembering Hazle Ezra was having a little more trouble with not noticing right now he missed her to much to not think about her every second. He felt like his whole world was dark and cold cause he lost the light of his life, he finally fell asleep and woke up to his phone ringing he answered to the person, he couldn't wait to hear from he jumped up and drove to his office the finger print found at the crime scene was a match to Xander Holland.

Ezra knocked on Xander's door Xander opens the door with a very confused look he said, "Ezra, what are you doing here?" Ezra replied, "I have some questions can I come in?" Xander said, "yea I guess." Ezra walked in to see a nicely put together house. they go into the living room and sit down, Ezra says, "so let's get to the point im here to talk to you about the murder investigation on Hazle Louquin." Xander replied, "ok what about it make it quick." Ezra noticed he's getting nervous and fidgeting a common sign of discomfort or nervousness Ezra said, " I want to ask where you were on the night of Hazel's death, and the night of her kidnapping." Xander says, "I don't like this if you want to question me do it at a station and with my lawyer." Ezra replied, "okay have a nice day." Ezra thought to himself this is exactly what I've been waiting for finally something to prove it. Ezra found himself out side the backdoor that Noah went through after killing Hazle and much to his suprise, he found the gun that was used and now has evidence against Noah and  Xander. Ezra got in his truck and went to Noah's old house knocked on the door. Noah's mom answered and Ezra asked to look around in Noah's old bedroom she said, "of course" he walked in to Noah's room to see the blood stained rug, Hazle's purse, and much to his surprise Hazle's jacket. He finaly was so close. He decided to go home he got home and got a letter. It was from Noah he opened it and it read,

Dear, Ezra

I wanted to tell you that It's not a good idea to try and solve this. You're going to end up dead if you do I didn't do this to hurt you I did it because I would be dead. if I didn't and so would my mom, so please dont get yourself hurt, I know you have no reason to believe me but please trust me and don't get hurt.

But Ezra knew that the hand writing on that paper wasn't Noah's it was his brother's he turned around to a voice it was Eli he said, "hey little brother how ya doing?"

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