bittersweet remembrance.

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Tony woke up to someone on top of him. Although they weren't too heavy, he grunted slightly due to his tiredness. "Mmh..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes a small bit. It was his girlfriend, Amelia. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made his naturally pale pigmented cheek become dominated by a crimson red hue. He had become a much better person since he'd left for college. It was mainly because he understood how other people felt now. He understood how bad he'd made people feel in the past and he wanted to be more considerate of other people's feelings. Amelia had helped him with that.

Though... there was still this 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒕 and urge to mess with people burning deep inside him. Amelia gave him a lot of happiness, but he still felt as if a part of him was missing. It was almost as if he'd left a piece of himself in Bristol.

He gave a small, yet soft laugh as he gently pushed her off of him.

"Y'know, you don't have to wake me up like that every morning.." he said, his tone still slightly groggy due to his tired state.

She giggled and shrugged, "well.. it gets you up and it's adorable to see you blush the same way every morning!" she said. "C'mon Tone, it's the day for us to go to the theatre!" she said.

He raised an eyebrow, "Tone? that's a new one.." he said.

Amelia had never called him Tone before. It was something that he hadn't been called in a while too. He practically heard it in Maxxie's voice. It made him smile and stare off for a moment, until he snapped out of his stare and gave a small nod towards her. She didn't answer what he had said about the nickname she'd called him— since there wasn't much to say. To her, it was just a nickname, but to Tony, in that moment at least, it felt like much more. He sat up and let his legs touch the floor as he stretched his arms out.

"What time are we goin'?" he asked.

"Some time around five." she said, with a soft smile.

He gave a small nod of acknowledgement, then walking out to the bathroom where he splashed his face with water.

He dried his face with a towel, then looking in the bathroom mirror and sighing deeply. "Get out of my fucking head, wanker." he said, in a whisper. He couldn't get Maxxie out of his head for some reason. They didn't have something romantically special back in Bristol but, as of recently, he realised how much Maxxie had cared for him after his incident of getting hit by the bus. He would give anything to hold his hand again. It made him feel so much comfort.

He snapped out of his daze, as he groaned and placed his head against the mirror for a moment. He then began to brush his teeth, with the thought of his traumatic incident still prominent in his head. Every time he thought about what happened to him, he thought about Maxxie too. Thoughts about Maxxie were inevitable. Just like the oblivion that was sucking him deeper and deeper into a secret state of depression. He didn't know he was falling into the state of depression, Amelia didn't know that he was falling into it and all he knew was that a part of him was missing— but he couldn't quite detect what.
After a few minutes of him finishing up his 'morning routine', he walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom. They only had a few hours until they had to go to the playhouse. Surely that would pass quick.


The day was slightly different for Maxxie though. Maxxie loved Tony with his whole heart, but he knew that Tony was most definitely straight or at least bisexual with a lean towards anyone except him. Maxxie had been thinking about Tony too, but all for the wrong reasons. He was thinking about how Tony just used him that one time in front of Michelle. He forgave him and he knew he changed, but it hurt a lot because he really thought Tony liked him. He was too oblivious to know the truth though. Tony was now more infatuated with him than ever.

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