part 36

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  When I came to I herd arguing, but I toned it out for a minute. I tried to move but my hands are tide behind my back, and my feet tide together. Someone had there foot on my back. I looked up and saw Candy right beside me with there hands tied behind there back. They looked to be knocked out. I saw Savannah and Asher Arguing with Glen. Glen is the on with his foot on my back. Savannah is holding Joseph, and Amy is hiding behind Savannah. I couldn't see that well so i didn't know what was fully going on. I decided it would be best to listen in on there argument.

  "Back up!" Glen yelled.

  "Why are you doing this!?" Savannah franticly asked.

  "You want to leave me here! This wouldn't of happened if you stayed with me!" Glen answered.

  "Let them go. They didn't do anything to you!" Asher sounded pissed.

  "Sally somehow gained your attention. She is taking you away from me! Why are you making me do this" Glen protested against giving me Back.

  "Just give them back!" Asher yelled as he tried to move closer.

  "Back up!" Glen yelled again.

  Asher kept moving though. Soon a shot was heard. I watched as Asher dropped with a new hole in his left shoulder. I watched Savannah move to his side with tears in my eyes. Asher must have passed out from shock.

  "No no no no." I said quietly as I shook my head.

  I really hop this is a dream. I felt Glen grab me by the back of my shirt. He lifted me up and held the barrel of the gun to my head. When he lifted me up my Red Panda fell out of my pocket.

  "Last chance. You can leave him and we can go, or you stay with him. If you stay with him I will take her and it with me." Glen said with that dam grin of his as he gestured to Candy and I.

  Savannah was silent. She Was going through the prose and cons of both choose. She wants both me and Asher, but that isn't a option. Unfortunately Glen was getting impatient. He decided it was time to go.

  "Im not going to stand around here all day. We are leaving. If you try and stop me I will kill him and her!" Glen said as he gestured to Asher and I.

  Glen quickly opened the back door and threw me in. He grabbed Candy next and threw them in to. He slammed the door shut before walking around the car. He opened the drive door and got in. He shut the door before he starts the car. As he stared the car I tried to sit up. This was hard to do but I sat up. I looked out the side window before the car started moving. Savannah was no longer holding Joseph. She was getting up and ran for the car. Savannah grabbed the back door handle and tried to open it, unfortunately Glen locked the door. I wanted to help her but I can't do anything.

  "No no no no!" Savannah said frantically as she pounded on the window.

  Glen got the car started and sped off.

  "Not my Baby!" Was the last thing I herd Savannah scream before she was out of earshot.

  I laid back down and start crying. I couldn't get out of this. I was never going to see Asher, Joseph, Amy, or my sister again.

  "I know your up Sally." Glen said. I didn't say anything.

  "How does it feel that you're own sister would choose Asher life over yours." Glen asked.

  I stayed silent. I know this wasn't true, but it felt like it was the truth. I didn't answer him because I didn't want to come to terms with this being the truth.

  "Not going to say anything. Alright then." Glen said with a smile. "You will learn to respect me." He gave me a medicine look through the rear view mirror.

  After a minute I realized my pocket knife is still in my pocket. I tried to reach for it, but I couldn't get my hand in my pocket. I gave up on trying to get it. Even if I did grab it what would I do, jump out the car. I would get shot if I did that. I cried even more at the thought of not being able to get out.

  We drove in silence for the rest of the day. I cried for the rest of the day. Candy didn't wake up the rest of the day. I don't know where we are going. It seemed like Glen was driving to where the road will take him.

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