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Suggestion #2, Technoblade

This one was suggested by TheMemePolice :)

Thank you for the suggestion!

By the way, quick note: A line under the words and italics is a memory, italics is this "voice over" or whatever, and the normal writing is just... Well, the story, basically.

Alright, that was it!!

"Thy soulmate is out there, so not to worry. It's just a question of where."

The eerie feeling returned in your chest once again. It had been there all morning, coming and going however it pleased. It was like a weight bringing you down, and you had no idea why; why it was this heavy, why the matters seemed to suddenly be in your hands, why the unforeseen responsibility appeared to suddenly force down upon your shoulders. You didn't want this responsibility, yet here you were...

Dealing with the pain of your soulmate, who was out there doing God knows what.

"They shall feel thy pain, as you shall feel theirs, and your hearts will be linked over the course of 21 years, before the connection is finally there to stay within your spirits, forever living on to the timespan of several years to come."

You had no idea how he always managed to get into trouble, if it was even physical pain you were experiencing on his behalf. Maybe it was mentally. That thought had crossed your mind several times as you traced the ever-the-more visible letters on your arm.

It seemed to always be his heart that was the problem. It ached, stung, throbbed, all the bad stuff, and all at once. It seemed to appear in waves, uncontrollable urges to curl up and never rise again appearing randomly throughout the day. Yeah, one time it even happened in the shopping center, and an ambulance had to be called after you had let out an ear-piercing scream while clutching onto your seemingly bleeding, and breaking, heart. It was almost unbearable.

You only felt half of your soulmate's pain.

"Thy soulmate, if the bond has been created and build up over the timespan of your 21 years without one another, can heal you. But the sacrifice will be their will, emotions and goodness within their hearts, whether that be through their master-minded skills or ability to stay cold-headed in even the messiest of situations. There's always a prize to pay... But are you willing to do it?"

Your heart sank further and further for each of the passing days going by when you had to heal them, whoever they were. You wanted them to be okay.

Even if fate hadn't brung the two of you together yet.

You knew you only felt half of their emotions and pain, and what you already felt was excruciating, so even if it took some of your sanity with you, you always managed to heal them.

But the cost was soon becoming too much. The emotions you before felt, the ability to let out a whole-hearted laugh, the smile that showed your slightly flawed, but nevertheless beautiful teeth, was fading. Nobody was perfect.

They certainly weren't. Neither were you, and you were becoming more and more broken for each passing day. So were they.

You were a pair doomed to fall if you weren't to find each other soon. The prize of being apart was taking a toll on both of you, because neither of you remembered the fun you had shared in previous lifetime, the youth of your days as you grew older together, how your hands had remained joined, even through the experience of death. You had faced it together. And now, now that you had lived with one another before, you couldn't live without. You just didn't know what was missing now, why things had changed. Why you were both born this way; sad and alone.

𝐌𝐂 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now