5. Scared

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THE cold wind touched my face as I came and stood up in the balcony. It faced the town I had destroyed. Once again the memory of my Ariel flashed through my mind. I clenched my fist remembering that I have not seen her in years. I am missing her terribly. I don't even know where she is or does she even remember me. But I have hope. Hope that she will come back to me one day. She will tame my beast once again like she did before. My beast has become more ruthless since she left. I have killed each and everyone in that town with my own hands. My army of night creatures, they destroyed the rest of the town. It is now known as death valley. Everybody knows that I am here in this castle. That is the reason that nobody comes here. Everyone is afraid of me. I have induced my fear in everyone.

The cops in the Death valley are werewolves. I am their lord. The hotel owner and workers are vampires and disguised elf's. They are living with the humans so that they can have all the information if anyone tries to reach me or try to find out about us. I don't like people interfering in my world. They won't like if I interfere in their's so they should stay away from me. 

I turned around to enter my room and sat on the bed. The bed were once my little love used to sleep. I miss her in my arms.

A knock was heard making me come out of my thoughts.
"Come in." I said. The door opened and Michael came in.
"Your highness, the cops are here to discuss something." He said. I frowned. What is so urgent that they came here. We usually talk through mind link.
"Tell them to wait." I said.

They had informed me already that a few humans are coming here for some news show. They were going to find my secret here. Fucking lowlives. They think they can find out about me. Huh, they are dumb and pathetic. Humans are disgusting weaklings. This is my opinion since I lost my Ariel. Fucking humans took her away from me. She is also human but she is not like them. She is pure and innocent. She is full of love while the other humans are all filled with hate.

I walked downstairs to the throne room where they were waiting for me. Michael was also standing there along with the 3 cops. Nathan their chief bowed down in respect followed by the other 2 who were Joshua and Tom I guess.

I took a seat on my huge golden  throne. 

Every time I sat on it I was reminded that it is still empty without its queen. Everything is incomplete. The world of the dark creatures is incomplete without their queen and no body knows when she will be back to us.

"Why did you come here? You know the humans can see you." I said in my commanding Alpha tone.

Nathan came forward to speak.
"They are all fast asleep my king." I realised that it was dark outside. I didn't even know when it was night time because I was so engrossed in my own thoughts.

"Okay. So what happened?" I asked him again. He looked up for a moment before again looking down at his feets. I demand respect and everyone knows what I do with people who disrespect me. And it better be this way only. I am soft only to my little love. For others I need to be the big bad beast.

"The humans have arrived,  Your Majesty. And they have started exploring town from today. But.." he trailed off. I frowned. I had told him to make some rules for the humans. I hope they are following it.

"But?" I asked. My voice echoed through the dark room making the 3 wolves flinch.

"But king, they have seen the castle and were talking about going there. From our werewolf hearing we heard last night two girls were speaking about the castle. One of them said that they should go and see it but the other one was quite obedient and smart so she denied. But today the girl again came up with that topic and I am scared we won't be able to stop their curiosity for long time. The castle is slightly visible from their rooms and now that they have actually started to roam around the town....its difficult to stop. But they don't believe your existence. They laugh-"
He was cut off by a loud growl erupting from me. Firstly, they are so close to finding the castle and secondly they have the audacity to laugh at me! They don't know what I can do to them. Fucking pricks. I can kill each and everyone of them with a snap of finger.

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