7. Resign

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The next morning I woke up with a major headache. Crying for so long last night took a toll on my body. I looked into the mirror only to gasp in horror. Dark circles under my eyes which were already red and puffy made me look like a ghost.

Emily was not there in the room when I woke up so I guess she went outside for a walk or something. But after yesterday's incident I don't think it is safe for anyone to go out. I mean there is a beast roaming freely on the roads. He can come and catch you anytime.

I looked at the time and my eyes widened. Its freaking 10 am. We leave for work at 9:30.  I think everyone is having breakfast. So I took a quick shower and wore my clothes. We weren't shooting today so I decided to wear a little casual.

I let my hairs down and took my bag before running towards the dining area

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I let my hairs down and took my bag before running towards the dining area. But too my surprise there was no one present there. Where did they all go? There was no sign of any of my friends in the lodge.  I roamed around the lodge searching for them but found no one.

Just then the butler of the lodge came with a cleaning cloth in his hand. He saw me and gave me a smile.
"Good morning miss Johnson." He greeted me.
"Uh good morning. Do you know where all my friends are?" I asked him.
He looked confused but then a look of sympathy covered his face.
"They all had their breakfast and left for work early." He said giving me a small smile.

Left for work? Without even telling me?

I called Emily immediately. She didn't answer my phone and same was with Daniel and everyone else. What's wrong with them? Why are they not answering me?

"You need anything miss? Shall I serve you breakfast?" The butler asked looking at my confused state.

I shook my head no at him. I should go and find them myself. I walked outside the lodge but stopped at the door. I couldnt bring myself to go out after what I saw yesterday. What if he comes back? Or worse he hurts me?

Even my friends are not here with me.

Friends. I scoffed at that word. I can't  believe they ditched me and didn't believe me. Atleast Daniel should have been there with me. But they all left. Just like everyone else in this world. I don't have anyone that I can call mine. My parents and grandma also left me alone in this world. I thought my friends would be there for me but they also were same.

A tear fell down from my eye. This is all because of that beast. Why did he show up in front of me? Its because of him that everyone left me and thinks that I am a drama queen. I remember how Daniel and Camilla mocked me yesterday. I can never forget that. And I can never forget this day. I wiped my tears. I should not cry for them. All these people I call friends are nothing but douches. They can't believe their own best friend. Worse. Daniel doesn't believe in his own girlfriend whom he says to love.

I went back to my room and started checking my mails. Atleast a little work will distract me.

I was scrolling down my mails when suddenly a new mail popped up. I saw that it was from my news channel office.

I opened it but it was the worst decision ever. Because what I read made me more angry.

Dear miss Ariel,

We are sorry to inform you that we need to shift you from the death valley project. We have given the job of host to miss Camilla. And hence you won't be required in the project. We have attached your flight tickets with this mail and you are asked to come back to New York Asap.

You are been sent on a month long leave looking at your mental health conditions. You have been under work stress and so this decision has been taken for your own good.

We hope you co-operate with the team.


What the actual fuck is happening in my life? Work stress? I don't have any stress. Why do they think so? And this project was my idea so how can they give it Camilla? She doesn't even know the work. How can they send me on a leave for a month? Arw they trying to Fire me? But why? Because I saw the beast? They are doing this because they think I am lying to them and doing drama.

This is enough bull shit now. I don't want to work with such a company where they don't believe their employees and give their projects to someone else.

I didnt waste any minute to write a resignation letter and mail it. My flight ticket was of tomorrow morning. Great.

I started packing my stuff. I don't even want to see my colleagues. They all knew about it. I thought Kevin was like my family. But he did this. He is the boss so that means its all his decision.

I packed my stuff and asked the hotel manager to shift me in other room. I don't want to be with them. I will feel suffocated every time I will see any of them. I dont even want to see their faces.

Finally! It was evening. I started feeling hungry as I had not eaten anything since last night. So I decided to go down to the dining hall.

I walked downstairs and the sound of my feet touching the wooden floor echoed through the hallway.

I could here the staff talking to each other but they stopped as soon as they heard my footsteps.

I came down and saw the staff gathered near the reception and with them stood one of the most handsome man I had ever seen.

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