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A small ray of sunlight shone through my transparent,green curtains,lighting up my bedroom.I rolled over onto my stomache,grunting.I hated mornings.They were like waking up from a different reality.One you actually like.One you actually wanna stay in.When you wake back to actual reality (or life) all the problems start again.

     Lots of people have problems.Not me.I was this perfect figurehead my parents always saw.Well,I guess I do have one problem.Do you know how hard it is to be someone you're not?In case you don't:it is very hard.I mean you don't know the half of it.I can really only be myself with Monica,my BFF.But we'll meet her later.

Anyway,back to mornings.The best thing about them is the sun in your hair.The warmth you feel everywhere.And,of course,breakfest.YUM,YUM.

Well this is the beginning of my story,about love and loss and friendship.With,of course,the occasional drama.But what story doesn't have drama?Well,anyway I hope you like it,or atleast wanna finish reading it.Enjoy.



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