Chapter 6

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Sophia's POV

I am ready for my moms funeral. I know I said that I had a black dress but, me being stupid I left it back in California. So, I have to wear a black fancy shirt, black jeans shorts, and black heals, along with my black purse. And don't worry, I showered.

I walked out of the bathroom to see my dad in a black dress suit, and Scarlet was in black and silver dress that went up to her knees. She had black flats on.

Dad came up and hugged me. "You look gorgeous."

"Thanks," I said lowly. We left the hotel room and went outside to the car. Dad went into drivers, I went in passenger and Scarlet in the back. I really need to get my own car back at California.

We were at a cemetery. Dad parked the car and we got out. We followed the crowd of people. We stood around the coffin where my mom is in right now. After the whole thing, dad went up and talked.

"Now, I would like my two daughters to come up." Me and Scarlet went up in front of the gloomy crowd.

"These are my two daughters, Sophia and Scarlet if you didn't know," he said before walking off.

"My mom was a wonderful women. She was always there for me. She would come to my dance recitals, soccer games, everything. She was my role model growing up. Sure, she was a little strict but underneath all that was a big and caring heart for me and Scarlet," I said while a few tears falling down.

"I miss you mom," Scarlet said.

"I love you mom," I said before walking off. Scarlet followed behind. Dad hugged us both because we were both sobbing.

After everything I put a rose on her coffin and walked away. I saw my grandparents and approached them.

"Hey," I said. They smiled at me, with tears in their eyes.

"Hello, Sophia. You've gotten so big," she said. "The last time I saw you was when you were sixteen. And now how old are you, eighteen?"

"Nineteen," I said. She put her hand on her heart.

"And what about Scarlet? What is she, twelve, thirteen?" She asked.

"She's fourteen." Grandma had wide eyes.

"You're really brave," said grandpa. I nodded. I hugged them both before leaving. I hopped into the car, driving back to the hotel.

I let tears come out more.

{Harrys POV}

Fuck! I can't take this no more. I can't just stay in a hotel room all day. I need to kill someone, but who? I stormed out and went outside the hotel. I saw a girl walking on the side of the rode. Perfect.

I sneaked behind and grabbed her into the ally that was right their. She screamed but I put my hand over her mouth. I took out my knife and put it against her neck. She was shaking and crying.

"P- please don't," she cried.

"What's your name, beautiful?" I asked.

"D- Danielle." I nodded and smirked at her.

"Such a shame," I said. "You are beautiful. But to bad it has to end like this," I whispered.

I then cut the knife against her throat, slitting it open. She fell on her knees. She laid down and her chest was rising up and down slowly. She then closed her eyes, lifeless.

Maybe I should go get, what's her name? Rolinda? Rachel? Rose? Oh, yeah Rosie.

Should I kill Sophia's best friend? Maybe I should leave her alone.

I left the body there and went back to the hotel. Maybe I should kill everyone who saw me. I went inside the hotel and saw the same prick at the front desk.

I took out my knife and cut his neck, blood gushing out. He gasped and fell to the floor.

I went into the elevator, going to the room so I can think about Sophia.

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