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Hey guys!
At times, I feel disheartened and lose my motivation when I don't see any comments so please do leave some!
Even a simple comment such as SFJDJJ or emojis would do! :')
Thank you!


As the next morning came, Jennie was less enthusiastic about talking to Jisoo. The extra hours had given her more time to think about how devastating it was going to be for her once she found out. She really liked Jin- everyone did - but Jennie had to do it.

Jisoo was better off without him.

"Jisoo," Jennie called out to her in the hallways. First period had recently ended, and because Jisoo was not a morning person, her best friend was just arriving at school. She was lucky to have a free period first thing; it meant she could sleep in an extra hour every morning.

"Jennie," Jisoo said with a smile. "I'm so tired; I could sleep standing up."

Jennie hoped this didn't mean she would forget what she was about to tell her. But given the intensity of what that was, she doubted it.

"You're so weird," Jennie said with a laugh. Then she remembered what she had to say. "Listen, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Jisoo asked. Her warm brown eyes twinkled with curiosity.

"Um," Jennie hesitated. "You're not going to like this."

Jisoo's eyebrows furrowed together. "Why?"

Jennie was about to spill the beans when all of a sudden two strong arms were around Jisoo. It was Jin.

"Morning, babe," he said sweetly. Jisoo turned around and gave him a good morning kiss. Jennie suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

This guy really had her fooled.

"Hey," Jisoo said to him. Jennie eyed their clasped hands with a frown. She opened her mouth to comment when Jin gave her a look. Don't you dare, his brown eyes said. Jennie gulped.

"What was it you wanted to tell me, Jennie?" Jisoo asked. Her innocence was unnerving. How could she tell her that her perfect, handsome, football playing honor student of a boyfriend was really a major dickwad? Her fragile little heart would break into a million pieces.

Jin gave Jennie a subtle smirk. He thought he'd won. But he hadn't - Jennie was still going to tell her. She was just....going to wait a little bit, that was all.

"Oh, it was nothing," Jennie said.

Then she high-tailed it out of there before Jin's penetrating gaze could make her throw up from guilt.

"I'm being serious, Jisoo," Jennie stated to her best friend. It was the next day, and she'd finally managed to find a time to tell Jisoo the truth. Unfortunately, she wasn't taking it too well.

"But Jin would never do something like that," Jisoo replied. She was shaking her head in disbelief, her hair bouncing.

"But he would, and he did."

Jisoo was silent. "What did you say he said again? Tell me word for word."

Jennie sighed and got ready to explain for what seemed like the hundredth time. "He was bummed that you weren't coming to the party, because he was hoping it would be 'the night.' I asked him why you hadn't done it yet and he said, 'virgins are always the hardest.' "

Jisoo shook her head again. "No, he couldn't have said that," she said. "Are you sure you weren't talking to someone else?"

"I'm positive, Jisoo. Who else would I be talking to?"

"Okay," she said. "Well maybe he did say that, but so what? It's not such a bad thing to say; I mean it IS true...but he didn't hit on you. That I know for sure."

"But he did! I'm not making this up!"

"No, no, he wouldn't do that! Maybe he just fell over. You did say he was pretty drunk."

Jennie sighed in frustration. "He didn't fall over. He grabbed me by the waist and told me that we could have sex instead, since you weren't there and he was getting antsy."

"No," Jisoo said quietly. She was so in denial.

"Yes! Why would I lie to you about this?" Jennie was starting to get really peeved.

"Well," Jisoo said. She shifted her eyes guiltily to the floor.

"Well?" Jennie was curious. Did she have a reason to believe she'd lie? What was it?

"You did say you thought Jin was super hot when he first moved here. And I know you like sporty guys. How do I know you're not just jealous, and trying to break us up?"

Jennie gaped. Jisoo thought she was jealous?

"Are you kidding me? I only said that because he was the first decent looking new kid we'd had in ages. And sure, I do like jocks, but I would never do that to you. Plus, Jin's an asshole. I wouldn't go for him."

"Oh, so now you're insulting my taste in guys?"

"What? No!" This was not happening the way she'd planned.

"Well that's what it sounds like."

"Will you listen to me? Your boyfriend tried to seduce me! He's a cheating bastard!"

Jisoo wiped the forming tears from her eyes and shook her head one last time.

"I don't believe you," she said.

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