Chapter 14: Switzerland. Part: II.

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Damian got on the jet and looked for where Raven was.
Once he found her he sat beside her. "What happened?" She asked. "Nothing important." He replied trying to shake that event that just happened away from his mind.

During the flight they just ate, watched, played games and rest.

Once the plane landed, they went down using the stairs. "Remind me again, why didn't I just teleport us again?" She asked walking with Damian who was carrying all their stuff.

"I wanted to use the jet so we can spend more time together. And plus if we had used a portal it will be faster and lessen the time of the trip, which is the only vacation we might ever get." He pointed out.

Raven just let out a sigh. She knows he's right and they should make this worth it.

"Umm......Raven I'm going to need you to teleport us to this address." He said handing her a paper with the address on it. "See. I told you you need my magic." She said with a smirk. "Tt. Just do it." He replied.

"Azarath metrion zinthos." She chanted. White magic with a purple aura surrounded them then it dissapeared to reveal that they were in front of the hotel they were checked in. The building looked old and kind of destroyed because of the Apokolips events.

They headed inside and saw the concierge there. "Reservation for Damian Wayne." He said. The concierge typed some things on her computer then after a few minutes looked back at them. "Here are the keys you're in the 15th floor and in room 52." She said while handing him the keys. "Thank you." Raven replied.

They both headed to the elevator. Once they got in they pressed the 15th floor and waited.

Once the elevator doors open to reveal a hallway. They looked around, eyes glancing around looking for the number.

Once they found room 52 they used the keys given and opened the door.

Once they got in they saw a fully furnished living room. 2 bedrooms (of course since Bruce Wayne books the room. He made sure of 2 rooms.). Each bedroom had one bathroom each. A kitchen in the corner with enough space.

"Of course father would book a 5 star hotel. I'm not even suprised." Damian exclaimed once he saw the entire room. Raven held back a giggle from escaping. "Umm....there's two rooms. Do we share or do we get one each?" She asked shyly. He shrugged, "You're choice." He replied. "I want to stay with you." She answered with a smile. "Then it's settled then. We'll just use the extra room for our stuff." He suggested.

She nodded. Damian put their stuff in the extra room while Raven looked around the hotel room. "Hey Dame." She called out. "Yeah?" "They have a buffet downstairs do you want to eat?" She asked.

"Sure." He replied.

Once they got changed they headed down to the buffet and got some food.

They sat in the corner to get a bit of privacy. Damian just stared at Raven while she ate.

She took in so much in her mouth it was like she hasn't eaten for weeks.

Once she caught his staring she looked back at him confused. "What?! The food is good." She exclaimed. He just chuckled. He too also started to dig in.

After they ate they took a stroll around the place.
Raven noticed that the place they're in wasn't that damaged from the invasion but there were still some damages but only minor.

The citizens were rebuilding broken buildings. They were working together and Raven like the sight of this. "It's nice to see everyone rebuilding the mess Darkseid made." She said looking around. "Well, they need to live so they need to rebuild they can't just leave it here destroyed." Damian pointed out.

Raven just rolled her eyes at the comment. "And look they're all working together." She commented. "Well you need someone to help you rise and get back up again." He answered back. She just smiled.

During the stroll they also noticed people crying, probably because of loss. Raven felt sad for the people taht lost someone because for once she can actually relate to humans. She lost so much during this entire conquest.

Once they finished they're stroll they headed back to their hotel room.

When they entered they had a bag of take out food in their hands. Just some noodles, chicken and rice.

"What do we do now?" She asked whe sitting down on the couch. "Well we can just relax, I guess." He suggested. "We need to pick up the device in a few days so we just wait for now." He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulder.

This was going to be a long trip. But they have each other.

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.


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