Begging you

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I wake up sitting against the wall outside his door, when he sees this, he growls, 'get up' he demands, I slowly wake up, I rub my eyes, I get up, I'm sor tired, the kids slept all night, luckily, he grabs my chin, 'you look so fucking pathetic right now' he says, ... 'get the fuck out of my face', he slightly throws me, I go and check on the kids, he goes and gets ready, so I guess he's not going to touch them?.

. . . . . . .

4 days later, I'm in the kitchen, Alpha has brought a girl back with him, he carry's her inside, I'm upstairs with the kids, he kisses her, brings her against the wall, she moans outloud, but I'm upstairs in the nursery, just playing with the kids, he brings her upstairs and into his room.

But what I do hear is a very loud screaming moan coming from the bedroom, oh shit, I left the wet wipes downstairs, I go downstairs quickly, I close the nursery door, so the univited guest won't hear the kids, I go downstairs, coming back upstairs, a full on naked girl is walking out of his bedroom, 'oh?, are you the housekeeper?' she asks, 'no?' I say, Anthony comes out, she notices the baby wipes, she kisses him, like trying to make me jealous, 'had an amazing time' she smiles, I clear my throat, 'listen slut', I step forward, 'how about you got get that yeast checked out?, cause it's nasty, and I've seen a goat have a harder dick than what he's got' I say, she scoffs, Anthony didn't notice she has a yeast infection, she leaves, .... once the door closes, 'enjoying your yeast?' I ask, 'shut up' he growls, and goes downstairs, he's just full on naked, I go and clean up the kids, they got some food on them.

Later that day, 'oh my god?' I say, Anthony looks, Skye is walking, she almost falls over, I grab her, 'look at you?' I say, she smiles, 'my clever little girl?', I kisses her cheek, she screams out in laughter, Anthony clears his throat, 'what?, my baby girl just walked for the first time, I'm allowed to be excited' I say, 'not in front of me' .... 'hmm?' I say, 'what?' .... 'says the guy who said "all I want is for you to be happy", and if they are happy I am happy' I say, 'don't use my words against me, and for your information the comment you made on my dick, ... was false, my dick was hard for her, okay?' Anthony says, 'your dick gets soft after 1 round?' I say, ... he growls, 'that's it' he grabs me, Skye screams, his eyes go wolf, he takes Skye, 'no!, don't hurt her!' I plead, 'apologise' he demands, holding her by her shirt, he's choking her, I drop to my knees, I start crying, 'I'm sorry, just stop' I sob, he drops her, I catch her, I hug her, I kiss her forehead, she screams, I rub her back, Anthony walks out, he goes and has a drink.

'Well this is surprise?, thought you spend your afternoon's at home now?' one of the guys say, 'I don't know what's happening to me?' Anthony says, 'why?, what happened?' his concerned friend says, 'the other night, Roxanne offered sex if I wouldn't hurt her kids' 'so?' 'she didn't want sex, she was just doing it for her kids, she doesn't want me, then just 10 minutes ago, I almost killed her daughter', his friend puts down his drink, 'what?' 'earlier she made a comment, cause I couldn't get hard, and I lost my temper, she was getting all happy about her daughter walking for the first time, and I strangled her daughter, by holding her by her shirt' 'wow?, .... you need some help' 'I just couldn't bare her hating me and she said she was happy when her kids were happy, and not cause I was making her happy?' Anthony says, 'well after the life she's had, it's going to take some time-' 'it's been over 3 fucking months' Anthony says, ..... 'you killed her fiance in front of her' 'she is still wearing that fucking ring' Anthony says, it's taunting him, that Max still has a hold over me, 'I just want to rip apart those children, she is so happy, and none of it is because of me' Anthony says, then a guy rushes in, 'Anthony, ...', I'm trying to get out of the house, Anthony comes back, the front door is open, 'for fuck sake, I can't win with her' Anthony says, he quickly gets my scent, I couldn't help it, he was going to actually kill her!, right in front of me, I can't bare to come anywhere near what I just saw, what I felt, how could I ever love that?.

Anthony follows my scent through the woods, though it is kind of faded, he shifted into a wolf, he couldn't help it, so when he saw that baby pram, he attacked it, I fell back, and man did I scream and fall apart.


Anthony just attacked Roxanne's children!, will she move past this?, never.

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