The Gnome and Knome: Part 2

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The 10000000000000000 ant Knomes stormed into the mines. They wuz riding camels. The camels were magical, but tall and happy. They fartayed and turned into magical unique corns. "O NOE x 2" Saiz CJ. That's wen Knome rose from the ground and threw up rainbow knomes. They're the worst. They attack you with the LOOOVE. CJ couldn't handle it. He pulled out Knomes wand. And that's wen Knome POOPED RIGHT ON HIS ARM. "AYE!!" Saiz CJ. "Ha, Iz not ded." Saiz Knome. Then he went to hide behind a really bid gold. Then, CJ STABBED HIM right in the EYE. AGAIN. And that's wen the magical unique corns attacked. They threw cobs and corn- unique corn. The unique corn was poisonous. CJ farted and farted, he couldn't help it. Gnomes farted when they were nervous. He cast spells on the unique corns, but it doesn't help. He cast spelled on the 10000000000000000 knomes, and it did Work. He said "HAIL YEAH". And the knomes dies- AND ALL OF A SUDDEN KNOME came out of HIDING and SCARED THE GNOMING POO out of him. "Haiiiii" Saiz Knome. " Dot dot dot question mark" Saiz CJ. "Haiiii" Saiz Knome. " AND THEN KNOME KISSED CJ and then CJ Saiz "BLEH!!!!" And then CJ realized. KNOME IS....... (Hiff Clanger)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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