Pigs in blankets? Niall in blankets!

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I wanted to stay lying in his bed, I really wanted to. The smell of bacon cooking was telling me otherwise, my stomach was growling. After arguing with my empty stomach I decided to follow the scent into the kitchen. I found Niall dancing around the island worktop plating up food, watching him dancing shirtless listening to the Arctic  Monkeys was beautiful.
"Good morning handsome" I said as I sat on the spinny seat.
"Aghhh help! There's a stranger running loose in my apartment" he shouted.
"Okay, sorry for intruding I'll just leave" I said with a sigh, obviously knowing he's making a 'very funny joke'
Before I could walk through the doorframe to the hall, Niall had ran up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. He picked  me up and walked over to the couch, he threw me down,this time not so gentle, and sat his legs either side of my waist.
"Leaving so soon?"
"Yeah, you're kinda boring"
He sat up leaning against the arms rest, his faced fell into a pout.
"I don't appreciate the amount of times you bully me"
I couldn't with him, he's so cute.
"Awwk, come here"
He leaned his head on my shoulder.
"I'm so so sorry... that you are so shit at taking a joke"
He jumped off me instantly and leaned against the armrest again.
"I'll have you know I am thee master of jokes"
I mean he was very funny but no, he's not winning this.
"You mean the joke you're pulling right now at pretending to be a chef" I said with a smirk.
"Niall you're burning the bacon" I told him blankly, I think he must've thought this was a weird sex reference as we looked me up and down again before trying to kiss me.
"No Niall you're literally cremating the bacon" this time I pointed to the grill that was realising a burnt smell.
"Shit! Why didn't you tell me" he got up and took the bacon out of the grill, it wasn't completely black but it was very crispy looking. 
After eating  up the breakfast he'd made us we both sat and watched the TV. The first channel that came up was the news, since the last time I watched the news, which just happened to be when I was in Niall's house, the coronavirus thing was all fresh and up in the air(literally) but now it's mid March and people have already started self isolating. Public places have been closed and it's not long before everyone has to self isolate. There's rumours about schools closing too but I don't think it's that serious.
The news reporter read a list of symptoms saying if you had any you should self isolate for 2 weeks, thankfully I wasn't showing any, either was Hanna or Libby which was good. Niall didn't really look that scared of this whole breakout thing but when the news reporter was interviewing doctors and they were saying there wasn't a treatment he did look worried.
I've been at Niall's house all day, we've sat and watched the news as much as we could bare. We ordered food in and watched movies, we got to know each other better, not just "I'm Niall Horan from One Direction" and not just "I'm Y/n Y/l/n the famous actress" we sat on his couch and laughed for hours, cuddles were included. After a while I was feeling really sleepy, I didn't want to stay 2 nights in a row, I didn't want him to think I was just inviting myself into his house and staying when I wanted to.
I could stay like this forever, we were just lying on my couch, cuddling watching a movie. Tipsy on 2 bottles of wine and full stomachs from the Chinese we ordered in and all the packets of sweets we went through.
I glanced over at Y/n, she was sleeping peacefully. I really didn't want to wake her, I lifted the empty packets of chocolate off her chest and put them in bin. After cleaning up I turned the movie off and carried her to bed, I wasn't complaining that this would be her third night staying at mine. I really liked her company.
Shit I had fell asleep, I woke up because I could no longer feel Niall's comfortable couch beneath me, I could feel his arms around me. Oh my god. He's carrying me to his bed, pretend to sleep oh my god. He pulled the covers back and placed me in his bed before pulling them back over me placing a kiss on my head.
Once he'd stepped back from the bed I peaked an eye open, he was getting changed, wow okay Uhm so yeahhh this is Uhm interesting. He had taken his T-shirt and shorts off so he was just in his boxers. After he came out of the bathroom from brushing his teeth he climbed in next to me, wrapping his large arms around me waist before kissing my shoulder. Ugh he's so amazing. I wriggled in his arms until I was facing him, a hand pressed to his chest the other wrapped around his neck.
"Oh, you're awake" maybe that meant I should go. I feel awkward now.
"Should I go?" I whispered. I didn't get an answer, just a very passionate kiss on the lips. That's all I needed before I drifted off in his arms.

I'm mainly writing this book because I am bored and have ideas. Just needing some enjoyment in lockdown, if anyone else is bored then start a conversation with me here and we can be bored together:)
Stay safe<3

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