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"Mahi why isn't Shivaay helping you painting the room?" Madhavi asked while Manisha was controlling the paintbrushes with her mind.

"Because it's a surprise for him." Annika blushed.

"Annika bhabhi where shall I put this vase?" Rudra asked as he came into the room. Annika looked at the vase with nostalgia.

"Mama was fond of this vase. She had bought it on our first trip to China." She smiled a bit as some cute memories made there way in her head. She looked at Mohini who was smiling at her. She blinked her eyes knowingly.

"Rudra can you keep this vase in their room please?" Annika asked and Rudra nodded his head before going.

She was rubbing her small baby bump while looking at the garden from the window. Shivaay was moving in her parents' house after two months spent juggling between the Oberoi mansion and her place. At first, he didn't want to but on seeing how dear the house was for her, he didn't want her to leave it abandoned. So he decided to move in there with her, giving Oberoi mansion to Om, Rudra, and Priyanka. He had taken that decision a day before going to a two-week business trip and Annika decided to move his stuff in the now Shivika mansion while he would be away. Being helped by her family, they were currently painting her room, changing the cute baby pink walls into a more neutral yet classy green.

 Being helped by her family, they were currently painting her room, changing the cute baby pink walls into a more neutral yet classy green

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As she was looking at some curtains for the window, she heard some giggles and turned her head to the source of it.

There stood Madhavi and Rudra fooling around like kiddos. She had noticed how they both loved to hang out with each other and would be delighted to have them as a couple. She smiled to herself and left her room to go to a spare room which she wanted to be the baby's room. She had asked Omkara if he would like to paint a mural in there, which he agreed to do wholeheartedly. As she went into the room, she was shocked to find Omkara saying something in Mona's ear to which she blushed like never before.

"Di..." Annika said breaking their reverie and they turned to her with shock written all over their faces.

"I think maa would need your help in the kitchen... maybe you can join her after you're done with Omkara." Annika winked and walked away from there. She went to the kitchen where her mommy was already cutting vegetables.

"Maa what are we cooking?" She asked as she leaned on the kitchen slab watching her mother do her work.

"You are cooking nothing you have to take some rest from all this mess. By the way, did you remember to call the therapist for your appointment?" Mreenal asked and Annika nodded her head.

"We're seeing her in a few days when Shivaay will be back from his business trip."

With them going back together, Shivaay suggested that they should see a therapist so that they would help them fix whatever was broken in their relationship. This was one of the many proofs that he was trying to save their relationship. It gave her some peace of mind to have someone outside of her intimate circle with who she could talk about her problems.

She could do nothing but praise his efforts regarding their relationship. In the initial days of them going back together, Shivaay even decided for them to sleep in different rooms, not wanting to touch her because of what he did. At first, Annika didn't understand why he would do that after asking for a second chance but then seeing the therapist allowed her to also see things in his perspective and she understood that he was dying with guilt because of his deeds towards her. It was only recently that they had started to sleep in the same room, that he had started kissing her even though it was only on the cheek. He was making efforts and she couldn't be more thankful to him for doing that.

"Maa, can I ask you something?" Annika asked as her cheeks turned red.

"Go on baby." Mreenal answered.

"Can we do something... for me not to weaken Shivaay's energy when we...huh... have sex?"

Mreenal smiled at her daughter's cuteness.

"There is nothing that I can do... I mean there is something we can do... But are you ready to do this?" Mreenal asked.

"To do what?" Annika asked.

"To give up your powers for Shivaay?"

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