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Chapter 11:

As I stood in front of my full sized mirror, I let out a deep breath as I examined what I was wearing. The floor length lilac gown was one of my favourites and always found it fitting for the report, where I wanted to prove through my fashion that I was fit to be their queen. Today I only saw faults. The neckline was too low and too much of my skin was showing. The material was relatively thin, it would not be too difficult to lift up the skirts and reach my most vulnerable area. This has been the first time I had worn a dress since... since the incident, opting rather for trousers and high neck tops, trousers after all were harder to get past if anyone tried anything.

Truth be told, I had wanted to wear a full body suit of armour but I did not think I could get it past Gwen or my parents, my dad maybe.

You're asking for it.

I had also been avoiding most of the gentlemen the past few days, I had been told that they had been informed and threatened about what happened. I felt like all of the trust I had built with these men had been broken down in one afternoon. All because of one man's mistake.


Mistake seems too gentle. Mistake implies it was accidental and what Joseph Medway did to me was no accident. He had intentions and he acted on them. So no, I would not call his actions a 'mistake'.

I suppose there was some good to come out of it, Wyatt had been visiting me a lot more, always checking in and seeing how I was doing. It was nice, and truth be told he was one of the only gentlemen I was not petrified of. I found comfort in his presence, I felt safe when he was nearby.

Straightening out the skirt of my dress and noticing that Gwen was finished with my hair, I departed my quarters and made my way to the report room. The gentlemen sat in rows in the room, dressed to the gods in their suits. I couldn't bring myself to even look at them.

"Your highness?" I turned round to be met with Alfie's eyes, and from the corner of my vision I could see Wyatt looking at us, and he looked on edge. "We haven't really spoken, I just wanted to see how you are?"

"Alive, I guess." I could not meet his eyes.

"It was disgusting, what Joseph did, and I want you to know that none of us would treat you like that."

"All due respect, Mr Redrow, but how do you know that? I thought I let gentlemen into my home but Joseph proved me wrong. Now excuse me but I need to get ready for the report." As I turned towards my seat, I subtly wiped a tear that was was beginning to form.

I could not cry tonight. I could not look weak.

I had not really meant to be so snippy but I could not help it, I was on edge. As I took my seat next to my parents I was informed by Robbie Carswell that I was not required to talk if I did not wish to but I responded by informing him that I had a few words I wanted to say at the end.

Robbie started the show, which consisted of an hour's showing of all of my dates that week. Looking up at the screen, I seemed so different then, lighter and more carefree. I had fun on those dates. And now I was a wreck. What had intrigued me most was the part at the end of my group date where the boys were interviewed on what they thought of me.

I found myself drifting off when the boys spoke, my attention only refocusing when Wyatt came up on the screen. I could hear my heart pounding and was certain everyone else in the room would be able to hear it too.

"What do I think of the Princess?" Wyatt chuckled on the screen, "Well, she's stunning, obviously, but she's also fiercely independent, not in a cold or distant way but if I were to trust anyone to run the country it would be her. She's kind and caring, and I'm not blind to her efforts to get me to make friends in this competition."

"The truth? I think the Princess is the single bravest person in this country, thanks to King Maxon and Queen America we get to enjoy multiple freedoms, we get to pick our professions and we get to date in private. The Princess has given everything up for this country, her future, her freedom, even her love life is just entertainment for her people. So yeah, Princess Juliet is the bravest person I know."

"Do I see a future with the Princess? I sure hope so, whether I'm by her side or across the country, I'll always be there, and I want her to know that."

I blushed furiously for the duration of his speech, and I hadn't realised I was tearing up until my mother reached over to me handing me a handkerchief sending me a wink. I cursed internally hoping that the cameras had not caught my moment of weakness.

I attempted to meet Wyatt's eyes across to studio to find this his gaze was glued to the floor. Was he embarrassed? I had not managed to meet his eyes but I did lock eyes with Alfie, and he looked enraged, it was kinda intimidating.

"And now, the finish the few show, a few words from your Princess!"

The audience clapped as Robbie introduced me, his eyes shining with excitement, I could only guess that he assumed I would want to giggle and talk boys. Boy was he mistaken.

"Good evening, Illéa. I wish to be brief but informative tonight so please excuse the lack of pleasantries," I chuckled nervously, "as it has been addressed lightly in the news this week, Sir Jospeh Medway has been sent home." I cringed at the word 'Sir' but I put on a brave face and continued.

"It has been undisclosed the reasoning behind his departure, an attempt to protect my dignity from my parents, and do not get me wrong, I am thankful. However, this is an important issue that I believe needs to be discussed. Sir Joseph sexually assaulted me Wednesday evening and has been immediately imprisoned."

I heard gasps around the studio, I was not sure why as everyone inside the palace was aware of those antics. I guess nobody expected their princess to speak of something so crude. But I was tired of girls, and guys, being hushed up, quiet little victims.

'I'm so sorry that happened to you.'

'If you don't talk about it it's like it never happened, right?'


"I wish to clear up that this man's imprisonment is not because I am royalty but because his actions are inexcusable, and disgusting. He assaulted another member of society and I apologise but that is simply unacceptable. So, if you are a victim out there, I would like you to stop suffering in silence. Speak up. Reach out. Contact your local police services and I promise you will see justice. I only want my people's suffering to end. Thank you, and goodnight."

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