New Girl~Hayes ~no dirty time~

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"Hey, Y/N, I need to talk to you," mom said.

Oh god. This can't be good. My family has been talking about moving to North Carolina year. Like why do we have to move? I'm perfectly fine in New York. I love all my friends here, and my boyfriend James. I love New York.

"what is it mom?" I said.

"So, obviously you know we've been talking about moving to North Carolina all year. Your dad just found a job there, a really good job, so we're going to move. We leave next week."

Tears trickled out of my eyes and onto the floor. How could I be moving? No. This isn't happening. I won't even be able to spend summer here, next Saturday is the first day of summer! This isn't real. I texted all my friends, hysterically. 20 minutes later, they all came over. We all sat in a circle crying. James. What do I do about James? I texted him, and he came over immediately. I could see the tears building up in his eyes, ready to fall.

"Please, Y/N, don't go. I love you so much."

"I love you too, James."

Story Written By~ ohmygrierr On Tumblr

Next Saturday came. I said goodbye to all of my friends, and James. We boarded the plane.

"Honey, what's wrong?" my mom said.

"I'm not going to have any friends, mom. I'm going into 7th grade, this isn't switching schools into first or second. Everyone has already made their friend groups, no one likes a new girl."

"Honey, that's not true at all. They'll love you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said, and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, and we were in North Carolina. Great, I already miss my friends. This all still felt unreal. I want to go home. We arrived at the house we bought, my new "home".

197 westpaces road. This was to be my address for a long time, sadly. I already hated North Carolina, and it was only my second day there. I had no friends, and nothing to do, talk about boring!! I walked downstairs to get lunch, and I saw a woman talking to my mom who I had never seen before.

"Hi, honey! This is our new neighbor, Elizabeth!" my mom said.

I shook hands with Elizabeth.

"Hi, Y/N, your mom has told me so much about you! I have a boy your aged named Hayes! You two should meet, I think you would be really good friends!" she said.

Wait. Pause. Elizabeth. Hayes. Floyd. Grier. The Grier boys were my neighbors. I had never really been into fandoms and stuff that much, but it was pretty cool to have the Griers living next to me. I had seen them once or twice on instagram, but my friend Katie LOVES them, especially cameron. But Hayes and Nash living across from me? That's pretty cool. I thought they lived somewhere in like Cali. Lol.

"Yeah, I would love to meet him!" I replied, almost a little too excited.

I walked with Elizabeth over to her house, where she opened the door.

"Hayes!" she called.

Hayes came running down the stairs.

"What mo-" he stopped mid sentence.

Our eyes met and locked instantly. It was like nothing could come between us. My heart sank at the sight of his gorgeous blue eyes. His gorgeous brown hair. His gorgeous face. Him.

The corners of his mouth turned upward, forming into a little smile.

"Hi, you must be our new neighbor. I'm Hayes."

"Hi Hayes, I'm Y/N."

"I'll leave you two alone to talk." Elizabeth said.

We chatted for a while about our lives, when finally I worked up my nerves to ask him,

"Hey, Hayes?"


"What's it really like to be famous? Like having the girls swarm around you al the time?"

"Well to be honest, it gets annoying sometimes. Because if I meet a girl, they usually will like me because of fame. Before I became a part of Magcon, those girls would never have noticed me."

"Oh," I said, "well I better get going, it's already 6. Nice meeting you."

"Bye, Y/N, do you want to come over tomorrow? I can show you around town."

"That would be great, thanks." I said with a smile.

He smiled back and waved, our eyes locked the whole time.

My alarm rang.

"TIME TO GO SEE HAYES!" i shouted to myself.

I put on jean shorts, a Brandy Melville lose gray crop top, and my mint vans. I was SO excited to see Hayes. We were spending the whole day together. I texted him that I was on my way, just grabbing a Nature Valley bar.

Y/N: On My Way!

Hayes: so excited to see you :)

omg. Hayes was excited to see me. I think I liked him, after all, I hadn't stopped thinking about him since I left his house. I arrived at his house, and he greeted me with a hug. Woah. I felt like a kinderagartener, so excited about hugging a boy. But still. Hayes hugged me.

"Where are we going first?" I asked.

"You'll see." I smiled, and looked up. Our eyes met again. Nash and Cam walked in, and I introduced myself, and they introduced themselves. Nash was taking us around.

We got in the car, Hayes and I in the backseat, Nash driving, and Cam shotgun. There was stuff on one of the seats so I had to snuggle really close into Hayes.

"It's going to be a long ride, so if you two lovebirds want to cuddle up and take a nap, you should," Cam said.

Hayes punched Cam.

"We're just friends, Cam." he said.

"For now," Cam whispered, under his breath.

Hayes fell asleep soon after that, on my shoulder. He looked so cute when he slept. I fell asleep with him on my shoulder. When we woke up, we were at an amusement park.

"Welcome to the most exciting part of North Carolina!" Nash screamed, dancing around. I checked my phone. Cam had posted a picture of me and Hayes sleeping.

"Cam, why would you do that? WTF?" Hayes yelled.

The comments were outrageous. They varied from "I ship it," to "Hayes is mine bitch," to "She's ugly," to "kill yourself new girl."

"These are some of the reasons I hate being known. Just ignore them, you're beautiful." Hayes said.

We arrived at the ferris wheel, the first ride we were going on, since we had just eaten. Hayes and I went, while Cam and Nash wandered around trying to win a unicorn stuffed animal. We got on the ride.

'Hey, Y/N, can I tell you something?" Hayes said.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I think I'm falling for you."

He leaned in and laced one hand in mine, the other wrapping around my waist. His grip made me feel secure, safe. He looked into my eyes, then pulled me closer to him. He touched our lips together, sending a wave of butterflies up my spine. His lips were soft and perfect. I let him move his tongue into my mouth, grabbing his neck and pulling him closer to me. His touch felt amazing. I didn't ever want to break away. Until I heard Cam and Nash.

"ZAYUMMMMM." I heard from below.

I broke away and looked down at Nash and Cam holding two stuffed unicorns.

Maybe NC wasn't so bad after all.

Story By~ ohmygrierr On Tumblr

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