chapter 6

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As I try to get these men to let go of me, I wonder what they even want from me. Good thing I even have the guts to ask.
"What do you want from me ? Let me go!" I scream, twisting and turning.
"You are going to be part of our little experiment." The biggest one answers while the two others stare at me with grins on their faces. I shake in fear as they drag me by my hands from the pool area and outside of the private property.
"You're going to pay for this!" I shout.
"Yeah, we've heard that one before."
Before ?! How long have they been doing this to innocent people ? In fact, I don't even know what they want from me.

POV: Jack.

I'm starting to give up on Kiana. I don't want to, obviously, but I'm having a hard time convincing her that i'm right for her. Her cause of death must be heartbreak, or love, could be either. But I know i'm right for her. We're right for each other, and it just makes sense, can't be a coincidence that I come right when she starts doubting love. My thoughts are cut off by what sounds like screams. It can't be her, can it ? To make sure, I run back to the pool, and to prove my point, she's not there, yet her stuff is. I decide to follow the screams, and it leads me out of their property. Could it be that someone actually took her ? Maybe this is my way of redeeming myself. Or maybe this is a test, she wants to see how well I can do. Either way, I need to help her. When I exit their property, I see three men around her, turning around the corner. I know something must be up. Because I recognize those three faces.

POV: Kiana.

I get dragged into a tall building, I thought I knew my own city but I guess not. Next thing I know, I'm in an all white room. There's barely any furniture, just a couch in the middle where I am laying on. They must've drugged me or something, because I don't even remember how I got here. My emotions are getting to me and I wonder if anyone has even noticed. Jack is mad at me, it's all my fault. Maybe this experiment is a good thing for me. Just as this thought crosses my mind, the tallest man enters the room and locks it right after.
"Are you still interested in knowing your role of this experiment ?" He asks with a grin.
"Yes." I answer quietly.
"Well, you see, my colleagues and I do not like the system of finding out your death. So we found a way to cheat the system. We haven't tried it yet, but you are the perfect first try. We figured, if we take your supposed cause of death and kill you in a different way, there could be a glitch." My breath is taken away by the words coming out of his mouth. I suddenly feel like I got punched in the stomach and cannot take a full breath of air to fill my lungs. They want to kill me. This isn't a good thing for me anymore, I knew all along there would be something sketchy about this group. And I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Nor to mother, or to Jack, maybe it's for the best, they won't have to deal with me any longer. I can't think like this. I need to live. I'll get myself out of this mess somehow.

POV: Jack.

I followed them right up to the building where they entered. As they enter with some kind of pass, I put my foot between the door just as it starts to close. They take the elevator and I take the stairs, bad decision. But I'm ready to do right about anything at this point. I was in this situation before, with father. They should've known better not to do it again. I quickly run up each step, trying to do it as quietly as possible, and trying to figure out which floor they're stopping at. I run until I'm fully out of breath, but continue speed walking up the stairs, I need to have enough time. I hear a door close on the floor above me and I'm positive it's them. This makes my energy boost up and I jump the next couple of stairs, until grabbing the door handle at the last second before it making a loud sound into the echoing hallway. As they enter an all white room, I manage to sneak past one of the men and go into a different corridor. That's when I hear her from another room. Across the apartment.

POV: Kiana.
This is torture. I get dunked into an aquarium looking thing every couple of seconds. They're weakening me for the final product, the pool across the room. Practicing I guess, for the final ending. This isn't the way I wanted things to work out for myself. And for everyone. This isn't just about what will happen to me. What will happen to my mother ? She will be left all alone, I can't do this to her. I have to fight back, things will work out, I know it. Just as this thought crosses my mind, I hear someone in a room across the hall. That sound is gone the next second and I feel my head underwater yet again.

POV: Jack.

I make my way across the hallway and enter what looks like an office. I look around and start coming close to the desk and opening the cabinets, but I get interrupted.
"You shouldn't be here." Says a voice behind me. I quickly lift my hands up in the air and turn around slowly.
"I know you. And you know me. So put the weapon down." I say.
As I turn around fully and reveal my face to the man, he drops his gun to the floor and runs to the room where the other two are. That must be where she is. I follow him and pick up the gun on the way. Everyone in that room is left in shock as I enter, pointing the gun, not to any of their heads, but to my own.

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