chapter 7:

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POV: Kiana.
"Jack what the hell are you doing ?! Put the gun down!!" I yell and twist more trying to get out and run to him.

"One wrong move and all of you will regret your actions before this day." He raises his voice more than i've ever heard him shout.

His words are right. If he does this, I will never forgive myself for how I treated him. I won't be able to live with the fact that I pushed away the one person who actually seemed to care about me, a person who was willing to wait for as long as it took for me to open up, and I would be the one to push him off the edge.

"Please, don't do this." I plead, moving more.

"Young man, this isn't the way to sort things out." The tallest man says.

"I know, Michael." he answers.

My expressions change. He knows these people ? Maybe this was planned, for him to save me, be the hero and I will forgive him. Forgive him for what, Kiana ? He didn't do anything wrong, you did. For once my subconscious is not on my side. But it's correct. I have to stop this, because he's clearly not handling this situation well.

"You're probably wondering how he knows my name." The man turns to face me, a concerned look on his face matches mine. I simply nod.

"My dad used to have business with them. But they betrayed him. End of story." Jack budges in and explains.

As he comes closer to the man, all of a sudden, he manages to get hold of his arms, and twists them behind his back, seconds later he punches him in the face only to make him lose his conscience. The other men run out of the building knowing that they might be next.

It's just me and him in the room now. He unties my hands and helps me stand up. The surprising thing is that after he helps me up, he leaves the apartment.

My thoughts and I are left alone. He's hurt. I pick up my shoes and walk barefoot down the stairs and out the door. There he is, standing at the doorway, looking down at his feet. The guilt overwhelms me as we make eye contact, he's upset with me. 

What he said in that room when the gun was pressed to his head was true. The way I've been treating him made him feel unwanted. I should make it up to him.

"You waited up for me." I say quietly, coming up to him, shoes still in my hands.

"I mean, we're going to the same place, I might as well make sure you're safe."

He tries hard to not look at me, because if he does, we will both feel unsure of what to do. There is an awkward atmosphere of silence for minutes.

At certain points, he turns to say something, hesitates and turns back around to look the other way. But I decide to finally man up, and say whatever is on my mind without thinking. It might not be the best choice, but I would have to say it sooner or later.

"You want to know what I really want ?" I finally speak up and  turn to look at his face as it meets mine.

"I want to trust you, I want to give in. I want to be sure that I can commit because if you let me down just once, it might be the cause of my death as terrifying as that sounds for the both of us. that's what I was nervous about, because I started feeling something, even after just a couple days knowing you."

When I finish, I'm out of breath. But he stops in his tracks and looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes. Like what he just heard was the best news in his life, I did go a bit far with what I wanted from him but it was true. Everything I said was true. Yet I'm still left waiting for an answer as he stares at me with his deep blue ocean eyes. Finally after seconds he responds.

"Is that what you really want ?" He's unsure of what I said but lets out a sigh of relief followed by a slight smirk.

"Yes." I answer firmly and cross my arms. He walks towards me and uncrosses my arms, putting them around his waist, also leaving no space between us. I look up at him and smile.

"Thank you for saving m-" I mumble but he cuts me off with his lips. My shoes fall out of my hand and to the ground, as my hands move up to his hair, grabbing it between my fingers, and his hands going from my cheeks, to my waist and pulling me in even more.

Every time this happens, the sensation in my body rises to another level, I don't know how he manages to make me feel this way, but I'm not mad about it. I'm ready to commit, besides, I technically owe my life to him. This is the least I can do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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