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Mina's POV

As we went inside our room - which is located to the third floor of the freshman's building - the room is full of whispering students.

"Jeongyeon! Mina! I'm glad you guys are okay." A girl rushed towards us and hugged us both. This girl is Im Nayeon, she's a Vulpid, it is a fox-like creature which is similar to the gumiho and kitsune but she only has three tails.

"Uhm... Yeah, we're totally fine. All in one piece." Jeongyeon said. When Nayeon let go of us, her face is full of worry. Why?

Sana, a kitsune, came to us with the same look as Nayeon.

"Haven't you heard? Another werewolf has been killed near the cherry blossom tree in the school garden. That's why the teachers cut our free time." She explained. Another werewolf? That's three in a row. The latest killing that is reported to me by my father was last week but not inside the school.

Jeongyeon and I glanced at each other.

"When did this happened?" I asked Sana but before she could answer me, a teacher entered our class. All of us sat down on our own chairs. The whispering died down and all of us are waiting for the news.

Mr. Kwan, our Math teacher who is also a werewolf, cleared his throat and looked at us with his serious face. He's a jolly teacher and he always makes us laugh but when he is serious, you need to listen and focus on what he's going to say or else he will be the total opposite.

"On behalf of the Teacher's Council, I am sorry that you have to be inside your rooms for the remaining 30 minutes of your free time." He glanced at his wristwatch to look at the time then back to us. "As we all know, the King is now gone and the balance between our two worlds is a little complicated for now. I'm sure you heard about the murder on the school garden that happened when almost all of you are occupied with the fight on the gym." He paused and straightened his posture.

The other students know what is happening, especially the mysterious killings but they don't know that I'm sent to investigate it, only Jeongyeon does.

"The president of the Vampire Council suggested that you all stay in your room during your free time." With that being said, some of my classmates groaned in disagreement, including Jeongyeon and the other two. For me, it's fine.

Mr. Kwan slammed his hands on the table and the whole class fell silent again.

"This is for your own safety! Monster or human, whoever did this murder is a strong one. The werewolf is my friend's son and he is a member of the Highfur Pack." He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes and as he opened them, he exhaled. He looked like he's going to cry.

"The Vampire Council and the Teacher's Council both agreed to give you time to buy your food. After that, you will go back to your classroom immediately. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." We all answered in unison.

Mr. Kwan didn't even say goodbye. He rushed out of our room. When he's finally out of sight, our classmates went back to gossiping. Nayeon and Sana walked towards us.

"That was all so sudden." Said Jeongyeon, while staring at the door where Mr. Kwan exited.

Sana nodded in agreement. "Nayeon-unnie, what do you think?" She asked Nayeon who's standing beside her. Nayeon is the oldest in our group, we are all in the same age but she's some months older than us three.

"Yeah, I agree. Mina," she looked at me. "You're a Helsing, right? Does your father knows about this?"

Crap! I can't tell them. I need some excuse.

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