Chapter 17

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Aaron and I were no match for the three full fledge wolves. Uncle had ordered them to cuff the silver shackles to me and tied Aaron up with just a rope around his hands and neck as they dragged him along like a dog, laughing as he kept stumbling without having balance.

They shove me forward with the hilt of his sword to stop looking back and lead us to a cave deep in the forest where no human dare to travel by.

Chills runs down my spine as the eyes of other werewolves glares down at us as we pass by. They laugh and shove eachother in the sides as they make fun of how Aaron look.

We're then force into the cave, the setting sun at the horizon behind trees is the last thing I see before I am lock inside a cage.

I rest my forehead on the metal bars in defeat after our captors leave us aloneto wait for their leader. "How did it come to this?" I ask myself; going through memories in my mind searching for signs of Uncle's upcoming betrayal.

Aaron leans againist his cage. "Hey, don't worry, we'll get out of here." He rubs his neck gingerly, his hands free from the rope.

My breathing quickens as I clutch onto the bars and anger boils within me; like a fire growing with ever stick thrown into it.

"Liam! Let us out so I can beat your hind til its black and blue!" I yell as I shake the bars rapidly. The cage rattles, but it doesn't give. "Axel! Show yourself you crazy lunatic!"

My screams echo within the small dark cave and I hear laughter coming from the outside, they aren't going to take me seriously and that irritated me more. They were sitting around in a circle, probably talking about how they finally capture me and even better, the prince of Adrirea.

"Its okay Rieka," says Aaron with calmness,  "We'll get out of this."

Like a branch; I snap. "How could you be so optimistic right now?! We're trap in cages like animals and theres no way out!" Tears threaten to fall, but I wipe them away. Crying won't help right now.

In a calm voice he replies, "Because being negative won't get us out of here either. When you're negative you accept things the way they are. Being positive is fighting your way through the obstacles. Being postive is a way of not giving up." He stares into my eyes with intensity.

I rest my head on the cold bars and stretch out my hand. He takes it and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I smile softly at him, "You're gonna be a good king someday."

He smiles and even though his hair is messed up and he has dirt smudge on his face; he still looks so perfect to me. "That is if we get out of here."

"You mean when," I correct, mimicking his optimistic attitude, even though deep inside I still want to scream in anger and frustration, but like he said a negative attitude would not help us, it'll just make us feel worse.

Footsteps echos throughout the cave as shadows creep towards us like snakes. We look up to see Axel flank by Uncle Liam and the two other men that found us in Ambervault.

"Aw, how sweet," Axel says, "you two really think you'll get out of here alive?" He laughs with amusement. "I expect humans to be naive, but you Rieka? I can't believe you'll stoop down to their level. Even like one of them romantically." He says with venom and hatred in his eyes as he turns to glare as Aaron.

"How about you let me out of here and we can settle this like real werewolves or are you too chicken to be beaten?" I taunt.

He lunges forward suddenly; snatching my hair too quick for me to retract. I cry out in pain as he yanks, my scalp stinging. I hear Aaron call out my name.

"Oh, I'm not chicken," he growls, "I just know how that pretty little head works. You'll just somehow escape and I can't have you warning the humans."

He traces his grimy finger across my cheek, sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine. "You know, you could still join our pack. You will be spare and even become my queen... we can rule Adrirea together and the world will be at our feet."

Even though Grandmama told me that a lady never spits; I do it anyway. Right into his ugly face. I never was much of a lady anyway.

He pulls away quickly with a gag. I smirk as he wipes my spit away. "I will never join your pack or be your queen." I vow. I hope he can see the hatred that burns in my eyes.

He glares, his cold blue eyes never wavering from mine as he says, "Liam," he calls.

Liam steps forward like a soldier ready for a command. Shoulders stiff and eyes forward. He refuses to look at me.

"Kill the prince and make her watch." Axel says with a ruthless smile.

My heart drops and the smirk on my face vanishes. Liam steps forward to Aaron's cage and pulls out a set of keys.

"Hey! Leave him alone! He's done nothing!" I yell, but he ignores me as he snatches Aaron by the collar of his torn shirt and pulls him out easily.

Liam stays silent as he stares at Aaron who stands up. "You don't have to do this," Aaron says, holding his hands up.

Liam stalks toward him like a predator. I rattle my cage to get his attention. "Liam! Don't do this!" My heart pounding in my chest. Axel stands to the side with a smirk.

I watch helplessly as Liam then lands a punch in Aaron's side. Aaron lets out a grunt as he doubles over, giving Uncle enough time to slam his fist down on his back and he falls to the ground.

"Liam! Stop, please!" I cry out. He bends down to Aaron who lies on the ground as Liam starts to kick him in the side. Aaron struggles to get up with the constant blows.

I turn away to look at Axel, "Axel, make him stop! Please! I'll do whatever you ask!"

"Liam, holt," Axel says, and Liam obeys; staring down at Aaron like a dog waiting for the next command from his master.

I turn my gaze to Axel, "Please, let him go. He doesn't deserve this. He has a sister. A little sister and its her birthday tomorrow. Don't take him away from her." I plead. I hear Aaron cough, I turn to see him spit blood. My heart sinks.

Axel leans forward to my cage and it takes every ounce of me to restrain myself from recoiling. "Join my pack, and I'll let him live."

I stare into his icey blue eyes. They seem to glow in this dark cave. "Why do you want me so badly?" I ask, feeling brave all of a sudden, "You've gone through all this trouble, but why? What do you want with me?"

He smiles widely, showing a pair of crooked yellow stained teeth. "Isn't it obvious? You're my mate."

It seem as if the whole cave has become silent. My heart even stops beating for a second before continuing to keep the blood flowing.

I turn to Aaron and our eyes meet, but I turn away, I couldn't bear to see the bruise forming on his face. I stare at the gravel as I say, "Fine. Im done running away. I know I can't runaway forever." I bring my gaze up to stare into Axel's eyes. "I'll be your queen... if you'll accept me."

Aaron coughs again as he whispers, "Rieka, don't. I'll be fine."

He kneels down in front of me. "How can I refuse my beautiful mate?"

Before I can react he puts his grimy hands behind my head and makes me lean forward into him. Our lips meeting between the bars.

He kisses me hungrily and I force myself to kiss him back. Slamming my eyes shut to avoid looking at his ugly gleeful face. In my head I'm screaming and gagging. Promising myself that once we make it out alive, Im washing my mouth with all the soap I can find.

Finally he pulls away so we can breathe. I feel disgust and nauseous.  Feeling like I just betrayed myself.

But its all part of the plan.

"Liam, put the worthless human back in the cage and let my mate out. After all a queen deserves the best from her king." He orders with pride as if he has the world at his feet.

That is a false truth that only he needs to believe.

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