2: So I don't go, nowhere~

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Error ignored his pain and the voices with ease and practice that you wouldn't wish on even your worst enemy. He had delt with this for over 30 millennia, and not once had he cried. The short glitchy bean stretched out, his joints giving out a satisfying pop. He was just about to start making another puppet, when he felt his SOUL cracking even more. ". . ." He wordlessly opened up a portal to the rainbow asshole- I mean, Ink's newest creation.

At ???
??? Pov

I growled at the sight before me. "Patience, my young one. We can intervene now." I turned my wings fluttering excitedly "You mean I can-!?" "Yes, you may now return and aid young Error." "YUS!!" I yelled, my tail wagging as fast as physically possible. I quickly opened a portal back to my home, where I lived before Fate yanked me back to our realm. Before I died. Before I became a deity. "Oh right!" I poke my head back through the portal. "Thanks Destiny!"

At Star sans HQ

The creator, savior of worlds, the Yang to Error's Yin, the almighty God of creation, was currently chasing after his two kids. "You can't catch us Daddy!" Eva, the younger of the two, yelled. "Yay! Running" Palette, the older shouted ((If you get this reference, you are my favorite person)) Ink ran after them "Eva! Palette! Come back here!" He panted out. Palette stopped and ran back to him. Eva, on the other hand, ran outside, where she bumped into someone. "Ow! Fuck!" She yelled.

Ink finally caught up to Eva, only to find her talking to Lust and Horror's kid, Menth

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Ink finally caught up to Eva, only to find her talking to Lust and Horror's kid, Menth. "Eva, stay away from him." Eva looked at her dad with confusion in her eyelights. "Why? We were just talking!" She said annoyed. Ink sighed in annoyence. "He's a bad sans." Apon Ink saying this, Menth lost his shit. "THEIR ONLY BAD BECAUSE YOU MADE THEM LIKE THAT! DAD'S AU IS STARVING, SO THEY TURND TO CABALISM SO THEY COULD SURVIVE! MOM ISN'T A RAPEST! HE'S A RAPEE! AND YOU MADE THEM LIKE THAT!" Ink, Eva and Palette stopped and looked at him in surprise. Menth grabbed the to axes hangging from his hips and jumped at Ink, only to be pulled back by Horror "Menth, your axes are for self-defense only" Menth looked at Horror apologetically. "Sorry Dad, but Ink was saying that Eva couldn't talk to me cuz I'm a 'Bad sans'" Horror hugged Menth, and Ink stood, shocked at how Horror was behaving. "Ink" He looked at Horror "Why can't Menth talk to Eva. He wouldn't dare hurt her." Suddenly, a new voice appeared. "As much as I hate to admit it, Horror's got a point."

Published- July 12th, 2020

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